A California couple were attacked by a pair of chimps when they were visiting a chimp that had been taken off them (for biting part of a woman's finger off) and placed in an animal sanctuary. Whilst they were giving some cake to their chimp, two other chimps attacked the couple.
The injuries to the man included the removal of his nose, foot and testicles.
I have now cancelled my mail order monkey.
via boingboing
I know this is very late but it's been queued since yesterday due to Blogger being crap.
It seems to be working today so all the other New Links posters - feel free to um.. post. It's the big orange Publish button just in case you had forgotten.
We have talked about visiting Monkey World (as featured in Monkey Business) this year. I propose we also take you and test your theory. ;)
Talking of Monkey World - they have a huge population of chimps and orangs there but I don't see boingboing having a go at them! Bah.
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