Apple are reported to be creating a... Shock! Horror! 2 buttoned mouse. Welcome to the 20th century guys! ;)
So I wonder if ardent Apple afficionados will do a "from these cold, dead hands" with their one buttoned mouse as I have seen many arguments over mouse buttons online - and the consensus from the Apple community seemed to be that you couldn't ever possibly usefully use a second button. I seem to use all five of the buttons on my mouse with regularity.
via Waxy
I'm waiting for the battery enabled version that makes your hair stand on end apparently.
Did anyone ever post the marketing spiel for the 5 blade razor? If not I'll try and dig it out.
Bah it's premium content on The Onion.
Yay for Google's cache! :)
I've read plenty on the web with mac heads pontificating about why one button is elegant simplicity and two is wasteful. If you really, really want me too I'll try and dig some up.
As for lack of posting - Bungers has been punished. Don't worry about it. ;)
Right that's woken Dan up. I'm off to write an anti DS, pro PSP piece which will have Merg quivering with apoplectic rage.
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