Finders fee for someone who can actually find a picture...
Remember those stupid blue disabled cars that your local neighbourhood "person of restricted movement" used to hammer around in before bursting into flames..? BRING 'EM BACK I SAY!
There was a Merc with a disabled badge, badly parked outside my office today, and I bet you £50 they weren't bloody "less able" than anyone else, and that they were just blagging free parking on Grey Street (where it's £2 an hour).
The Bungers' Party for Social Justice will confiscate all the flash cars from these "physically challenged" oiks and make them drive the aforementioned blue plastic chariots if they want to keep their badges. That'll larn 'em! Yaaar!
You'll be wanting "un chariot spastique".
I used that phrase in a French test at school and got bollocked for some reason. :/
Fscking hell - what do you want? The colour, number of wheels and mental capacity of the driver are all right at least. ;)
Bungers and I were speculating last night on why all mention of these things have disappeared. I reckoned they were introduced by the Government as invalid death traps to reduce the number of people on invalidity benefit. Once they had done their job and burned 85% of the nation's sick to death they were quietly shuffled away to hide all evidence of the dastardly plan.
While looking for them last night I did find this belter Dutch one.
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