High points, for me anyway, were the New Links trips out (with follow up reports - we may yet see the long awaited Victoria Tunnel report which is only 181 days late at time of writing!), getting quoted very succinctly on the Wired Mac site about the UK iTunes pricing policy (with the ensuing mass debate) and getting the On This Day Hack into the Blogger Hacks section.
I think I'll post a Countdown Corner How To later to celebrate. I'd do it know but I'm off out to see Shark Tale soon.
If it's HooTs you want then I'm sure B&Q (NSFW) will see you right.
High points for me.....
Victoria tunnel trip, mass debates(bickering), the Byker cully report(best post ever), helmet jokes, plastic Geordies, cats in washing machines, spiders in Ace lager and the saga of the missing Victoria tunnel report.
The next NewLinks year promises a lot with our trips to see Blink 182 and Green Day already lined up.
Happy Birthday NewLinks. Heres to plenty more.
yay from me too, and congrats to mmChronic and Mrs. mmChronic too... althought I did say that yesterday when I saw him in person, but I haven't seen Mrs. mmC, so congrats all round!
Happy birthday Newlinks.
Thank you Bungers :)
(Future) Mrs mmchronic.
Happy Birthday New Links!
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