Sorry for the lack of links lately as i've been ill. But now i'm back, well, kind of. I thought i would have a trip into the world that is the Inter-Web as it may be my last for a while cos if i'm not any better tomorrow i have to go into hospital. :(
The strangest site i have seen in a long time mingthemerciless.com is nothing more than a series of random links within the site. I was on here for about 10 minutes and i only got 6 or 7 repeats pages so there must be quite a few pages of silliness. The links are funny pictures and other silly stuff and a lot of it is NSFW.
Homer Simpson quotes.
An amazing gallery of nuclear explosions.
The Granddaddy Of All Underground Storage Areas. A cully, sorry culvert, you could live in, not like our own Byker Cully.
John Kerry soundboard.
Bedlamb Library.
Visitors to Bedlam are welcome to enjoy a period of quiet reflection in our library. Don't worry about being disturbed by inmates - where the carpet starts they stop...they understand this rule and the painful consequences if they break it.
A house made of books.
toohotfortv.co.uk. New adverts from the makers of Peperami.
StarPark:The Musical. Where Star Wars meets South Park.
Firework museum.
Apple Chess. Chess pieces made from Apples.
Destructive Cults.
How to play the spoons.
Bush and Kerry sing Bohemian Rhapsody. Class.
Those dark hiding places. The Invisible Web Revealed.
Puzzle Photos.
One for Mrs ILuvNUFC..Horror movie quiz.
And one for ILuvNUFC Junior...The history of car logos
Finally, a few Halloween links..
Halloween costumes. Make your own.
Extreme pumpkins.
Pumpkin carving.
A few cups of coffee and a look about the net and i'm beginning to feel a bit better now. See you's tomorrow, hopefully.
Thanks to growabrain, milkandcookies, coolios, presurfer and incoming signals
1 comment:
Hope you are feeling better real soon!
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