K-Tel Classics. Step back in time. via
MPAA Goes After More Bittorrent Site Operators. via
In a poll of 4,000 British movie fans conducted by video rental giant Blockbuster, John Cleese's rant demanding ?What have the Romans done for us?? has been named the funniest movie scene of all time. Too right. I've seen it countless times and i still laugh out loud.

Kids review old video games. Cheeky twunts! via
Check out the amazing Asimo robot running. via
Lycos' Top 100 search terms of 2004. via
Are'nt they all these days? ;)
I got one of those Namco joystick plugin to tv arcade things for Christmas. It had Pacman, Galaxians, DigDug, Bosconian and RallyX. The bairn was only (slightly) interested in Pacman and thought the rest were 'boring'.
Incidentally, whilst I was looking to for the joystick thing on Gadget shop to link it I found this which is an object lesson in how to sell a 300 quid PC for £5,000.
I'm off to borrow Hippy Tony's carpentry skills.
It would be very easy to build the box thingy if you could take care of the computer bit. This time next year we WILL be millionaires.
The only sticky point is the software. They have 50 Capcom games bundled with the box which I'm guessing they've licenced.
When we give them a a marker pen labelled DVD-R with several thousand ROMs on we may be a teensy weensy bit in breach of copyright law.
That old chestnut again eh?
Do you reckon they are really cheap? I though that may have been the bulk of the cost - it certainly isn't the hardware.
Right I need a shit PC, some plywood and MAME. I'm off to become this millenium's Namco.
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