Cat Food Uncovered
In some places, ground-up cats and dogs can end up in pet food. Sanimal of Quebec, Canada mostly process pig and chicken, but rendered approx 18,200 kg of cat and dog flesh each week.Later on in the article you'll discover that by increasing the quantity of vegetable matter in dog food, manufacturers of pet food have been responsible for the greatest mystery known today...
the characteristic white dog turds of yesteryear are rarely found; they were caused by weathering of dog excrement rich in bone meal.

Santa celebrates...

...as FAA inspectors give his sleigh the green light to fly across the United States on Christmas Eve during a photo opportunity at Washington Reagan National Airport December 23, 2004. Secretary of Transport Norman Mineta was on hand to sign the waiver to allow Santa to carry out his travels.

I was gonna link you straight to Jah Rule reads the Grinch, from Jo Whiley's show in 2001. This has become an essential part of Christmas in my house for the last couple of years, but then I thought I'd get complaints from some of the older newlinkers who can't stand modern 'pop' music and all that is associated with it. ;)
So here's something else instead. Happy Christmas!
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