The "
Do I Need A Jacket?" site allows you to enter a city name, checks the temperature with the local airport's weather data and informs you whether you need a jacket to go outside. Unfortunately the temperature thresholds seem to have been set by wusses - the result for Newcastle can be found
here and the advice is wear a jacket yet it's a glorious day outside. Hopefully our resident snapper will take a picture out of his window and post it for everyone to see.
Oh and if you're a mackem - don't bother. You don't live in a proper city and you don't have an airport! PARP!
via Presurfer
Erm.. is that my cue...?? :)
It appears to be a bit cloudy in the direction (SE) of the mackem filth, but it appears to be nice and sunny towards the north.
I'm off chrimbo shopping in a minute, but it seems to be really freezing. I think I'll be wearing a jacket.
It's not as nice as Wednesday, which was the best day of the week so far.
That is indeed your cue.
Freezing? Perhaps I asked the wrong person. Wuss! You've let down the Geordie nation. ;)
Says the man who can actually name a Phil Collins album! ;)
The man using the name of the linked site as a title or the man who infers a PC reference? Hmmmm... :)
We still haven't had a concerted effort at a New Links Pub Quiz night out. There's beer to be won.
He doesn't need to - he bought a ps2 to play it when it came out.
Which probably explains why a quiz night has still not been arranged. ;)
He now mostly spends his time blinging up and doing drive bys on the Quayside. Braying, or 'Bigging Up' as I believe the young gangsta rapscallions put it, is part and parcel of that.
It should ensure though that if we lose the quiz we should manage to win the subsequent shoot out type action as Bungers goes wild. Yay for winning quizzes - by any means whatsoever! :)
He can definitely do without a jacket then.
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