What I'm actually doing its informing New Linkers about cool new stuff that's coming out, via the medium of an advent calendar!
It's brilliant!
BTW World of Warcraft looks fab. You can form little clans and go on raiding parties and stuff. I think we should get it. I'll post more stuff on it later, I'm off out for breakfast now, but I'll be around later today. Might come over for Fable tonight if u are finished with it too! :)
I'm not sure if I can let you have Fable back! I've just found out at the weekend that when you finish and get to the credit screen, then wait through ten minutes(!) of credits you then get thrown back in the game and you can then finish off the sub missions you didn't do before the final boss.
Previously I skipped the credits and it just throws you back to the main menu with a continue game option - if you select that it puts you before the boss fight again.
What I'm actually doing its informing New Linkers about cool new stuff that's coming out, via the medium of an advent calendar!
It's brilliant!
BTW World of Warcraft looks fab. You can form little clans and go on raiding parties and stuff. I think we should get it. I'll post more stuff on it later, I'm off out for breakfast now, but I'll be around later today. Might come over for Fable tonight if u are finished with it too! :)
Have you finished GTA:SA then?
I'm not sure if I can let you have Fable back! I've just found out at the weekend that when you finish and get to the credit screen, then wait through ten minutes(!) of credits you then get thrown back in the game and you can then finish off the sub missions you didn't do before the final boss.
Previously I skipped the credits and it just throws you back to the main menu with a continue game option - if you select that it puts you before the boss fight again.
Molyneux you're a cnut!
Ah, you'd better keep it then!
No worries, I'm still on the last mission in GTA : SA anyway, I've only had one attempt at it, and got killed on the way back out of the mission.
Better go find something Christ-massy for todays tinterweb advent calendar then... ;)
If you are on the last mission you'll need something to play soon. Take Fable back and I'll borrow it again when you finish it.
haha! Now I'm scared, and have no choice!
Yes - I really need to finish Halo 2. ;)
I reckon I'm owed at least a fortnight playing Halo 2 now that CelebCack and X Factor are finished.
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