Thursday, January 20, 2005

New Amiga!

Ars Technica has a review of the new Micro-AmigaOne and Amiga OS4 and rather spiffy it sounds too. The writer of the article speculates it could have a future as a set top media type box. Wasn't that it's great hope last time around? It's a tiny little motherboard so I suppose there's no reason something like the iChav couldn't be released and be a very nice set top box indeed. One to keep an eye on maybe.

I'm off to find an Atari ST owner to laugh at! ;)

via engadget


mmChronic said...

Oh I wasn't going to laugh at an ST owner because their machine was defunct - it was more to do with the fact it is an ST owner's lot in life to be laughed at by Amiga owners. :)

mmChronic said...

That A9 thing has a stonking 128Mb of RAM too. Fsck me - you can buy mp3 players with more memory than that for £2.17. Probably.

mmChronic said...

Those prices are taking the piss - you can get a good laptop for that money or a beast of a PC tower.