Number #1 Glaring Omission : Princess from Battle of the Planets

Check it out! She was hot!

But there's loads of interesting facts about Battle of the Planets. Lots of good ones can be found here, on the BBC site and at Absolute Anime.

- Battle of the Planets was called Kagaku Ninja-Tai Gatchaman in it's original Japanese incarnation, which translated to Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
- The annoying 7-Zark-7 & 1-Rover-1 were added by the Americans and didn't feature in the original Gatchaman

- As much as ten minutes of the program was taken up by the prattling of 7-Zark-7 and his 'friends'.
- Battle of the Planets had 85 TV episodes that were, effectively cut and pasted together from the 205 TV episodes of Gatchaman

- 3 further Gatchaman OAV episodes were made in 1993
- No one ever died in Battle of the Planets. When the programme was re-edited by Sandy Frank (who put over $5 million into production of this series), it was made clear that no-one was to die. So, during seemingly deadly attacks, 7-Zark-7 would add in reassuring comments. While it may look like a bunch of villains have had their throats removed by Mark's flying dart, 7-Zark-7's soothing tones will point out that "the sound of Mark's sonic boomerang caused slight, temporary concussions among the enemy - but they'll be up again shortly".

- Casey Kasem provides the voice for Mark. He was also the voice behind Shaggy in Scooby Doo, and an American DJ.
- Janet Waldo provided the sultry voice of Princess - and was also Josie in Josie and the Pussycats.
- Keye Luke was the voice of Zoltar - he was Mr Wing, the mysterious shop owner in Gremlins.
Now if only ILN would make my BitTorrent work, he could have some Battle of the Planets Wallpapers..! ;)
After three.. G- Force!

more Gatchaman than you can shake a stick at here. Enjoy!
I wasn't even gonna get started on the Sorceress, Te-La and She-Ra from He-Man, oh, and that one from Dungeons and Dragons. Pah, infact, there were two in the D&D cartoon..
At least they got Cheetarah in there... ;)
You really should read the words, rather than just look at the pictures! ;)
But yes.. good knowledge. The interesting thing is the annoying weasel keyop actually spoke in the Gatchaman episodes, but it was all too naughty/obscure for the BoTp version!
Go here immediately!
Includes mp3 remix by the Cuban boys (?) of the BoTp theme tune with added samples from the show.
And it's the best site I've found so far!
I seem to recall the original Japanese one was supposed to have some dodgy sex in but can't remember details. Incest would certainly fit that bill.
Or maybe there was a Princess Loves Bukkake episode. What number wass that one Bungers?
What client are you using for BitTorrent Bungholio?
None - he's too lame to get it working. ;)
I have Shareaza and Azerus... I can't get it to work with my Firewall and my router. :(
Don't discourage Bunger from P2P. We could have some cool trial coverage on here.
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