Friday, January 07, 2005

Brilliant Button Maker

The Brilliant Button Maker is yet another 80x15 button generator but this one allows you to do skinny buttons with graphics on. The previous one I posted was text only but a lot of the buttons I did for the sidebar I had to do in Paint Shop Pro as I did some with little graphics. Now it'll be easier to do any new ones - not that I'm planning on doing any. It's someone else's turn.

via Curiouser


d said...

Great link -- I built one with that, then jazzed it up in Photoshop. Speaking of which, mind if I use that 365 Dumps button you created? I don't think I could improve upon it on my own. And since I've just brought that blog back from the dead...

mmChronic said...

Feel free to use the button. Good luck with your pooping. This must be the longest bout of constipation - evar!