Chubby Chasers on ITV 1 last night was devoted to bariatric love. and you know how much we love them here at NewLinks..!
But, here's a warning, for fsck's sake *dont'* type it into google, cause you'll end up in all manner of 'rent-a-tent" outfitters and sites devoted to women (and men) who like their partners super-sized.
Let's see how long it takes to get us to the top of google for this one. Maybe flip could start a new site to cater for this niche..? ;)
I did'nt see it. I'm glad, i think. :)
Just noticed our countdown says 7 days to Blink 182. YAY!
I knew it was soon-ish but not exactly when as i'd forgot the date.
Forgot to tell you guys. The support act has changed. Tis now Sugarcult.
"I got a full-on robo chubby!"
Name the film, 50 points.
I was going to do a reminder post but no need now! :)
So what do Sugarcult sound like? I've no speakers here. Death Cab For Cutie seemed a bit slow sounding when I listened to some of their stuff. Hopefully this lot are quicker and louder!
Try that MTV link when you get in, there is some vids there. I will have a look later when Junior is awqay to bed.
Sorry. I forgot to say that you need to upgrade to WMP9 to watch the vids and i'm still on an earlier version and i can't update yet as i'm busy doing something else.
I'm on 9 anyway - currently getting nagged to upgrade to 10!
Oh and I haven't got a clue re the film quote. Come on Bungers put us out of our misery.
Yay! Only another 9,999,950 points to go and you can have a New Links T-Shirt. Just as soon as our Commercial Manager gets them sorted anyway.
ILN: Sugarcult sound ok - def better than Death Cab For Cutie IMHO.
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