Apparently it's all to do with Relativity and brain sizes and the number of axes (that's the plural of axis not the weapon) our bodies are built on. The final form of the equation is
God = GuvSee - God really is THE Guv'nor.
I'm off to find God in a spreadsheet - then sell it on eBay. If the piece of holy toast we mentioned the other week is worth $28,000 then I reckon God in a digital stylee means I'm rich. Yay!
via Portal of Evil
This is a pretty old link, but it fits so nicely with the theme: Odds on that God exists, says scientist. More info here. Also, Over Three Hundred Proofs of God?s Existence:
(1) Human reasoning is inherently flawed.
(2) Therefore, there is no reasonable way to challenge a proposition.
(3) I propose that God exists.
(4) Therefore, God exists.Pretty damn convincing, if you ask me.
- Curiouser
I'd seen the probability one before - I reckon the bayesian maths used got corrupted by new fangled spamming techniques. I suppose the theological equivalent to spam is a pair of Jehovah Witnesses on your doorstep.
That three hundred proofs one is very good! I'm now convinced and most repentant! If any more unbelievers post on here - straight to hell you go.
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