Skype has just gone 1.0
For all those not in the know, its a killer app. that allows you to talk just like on the phone [broadband, mic and headphones/speakers required] to your mates or family who also have d/l'd the app.
Like a vocal messenger program if you will.
If you have lots of online buddies and wanna chat with them instead of typing, check it out.
FYI l33t speak and smilies can still be sent via a little built in text messenger. w00t! :)
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Friday, July 30, 2004
Where in the world...

was ILuvNUFC today?
Another cool prize up for grabs. mmChronic is away for a few days so get in quick if you know the answer before he locates the Tinter-web on his holidays.
Hoped you liked you're prize BykerSink!
Yahoo announces Gmail - in China
In a statement on its mainland Web site, Yahoo said it has boosted the storage capacity for its free mail service from 100MB to 1GB. Yahoo matches Gmail - but only in China
There is a small catch though.
There is a small catch though.
One for the ladies
Messing around at work? Trying to pass a bit time until hometime?
The why dont you practice you're parallel parking or if that is too difficult you could always draw some nice pictures.
Where in the world.. is coming soon.
The why dont you practice you're parallel parking or if that is too difficult you could always draw some nice pictures.
Where in the world.. is coming soon.
New Links Fantasy Football League?

It turns out that it will be closing at the end of the coming season which means we have a free, decent, online, automatically scored, Fantasy Football game at our disposal. With prizes.
So should we set up a league for the New Links regulars? Leave comments below if you want in - if I get enough positive responses I'll make sure we have a league up and running for the start of the competition on August 28th.
Your one stop Torrent Shop
..or an absolutely huge list of Torrent linkage. Of course that now means ILN will never post on here again as his bandwidth is consumed with Teletubby episodes. Or something.
Not that I know what a torrent is. Parp!
via the flophouse
Not that I know what a torrent is. Parp!
via the flophouse
Tinkering With Movie Endings Page
..or when will that fat faced, weak chinned munter learn to stay away from his films?
Here's the all new Return Of The Jedi ending for the DVD release - with Anakin inserted into the final screen to tie up the loose ends created by plot inconsistencies caused by the release of the early Star Wars episodes.
I was under the impression the whole story was written before the filming of eps 4-6 were filmed - so if that's the case why weren't plot inconsistencies ironed out at that stage? Or is it just that George Lucas is an indecisve prick?
Here's the all new Return Of The Jedi ending for the DVD release - with Anakin inserted into the final screen to tie up the loose ends created by plot inconsistencies caused by the release of the early Star Wars episodes.
I was under the impression the whole story was written before the filming of eps 4-6 were filmed - so if that's the case why weren't plot inconsistencies ironed out at that stage? Or is it just that George Lucas is an indecisve prick?
Movie Title Screens Page

via Coolio's blog
Killer Whale Flips Out
This link is to a video of a Seaworld trainer in the pool with a killer whale. He then tries to get out after it gets a bit boisterous and the killer whale decides that's just not going to happen as he hasn't finished playing yet.
I guess the moral of the story is "Don't get in the water with a killer whale".
via Attu sees all
I guess the moral of the story is "Don't get in the water with a killer whale".
via Attu sees all
Why Did The Music Die, Daddy?
The BPI are now cracking down on UK based mp3 blogs. Why Did The Music Die, Daddy? is a piece from the author of an mp3 blog who has received a letter from their ninja lawyers. So if you have a favourite mp3 blog - suck it clean now as it may not be there soon.
Or you could just have some legal free music from here.
via boingboing
Or you could just have some legal free music from here.
via boingboing
Thursday, July 29, 2004
You want public art?

After the discussion today about public art I said I was going to get a picture of a piece that was geet classy as owt. Well here you go - garden ornaments made from beer cans. And if Tracy Emin's tent was art then this labour of love is a masterpiece in my book.
I'm off to phone Charles Saatchi.
What Video Game Character Are You?

Quite spooky in light of comments here. I'm off to kill someone with car. The videogame told me to do it.
via the Flophouse
Manhunt gets more free publicity

Yes it that's old chestnut again - video games make you kill people. Daft fsckers.
Mind you its such an important issue to the Mirror that they almost made it the same size as their Fantasy Football ad. And the Daily Mail's other main story today? They have 2(!) pages dedicated to animals on the Underground. So that makes New Links like the Daily Mail but 5 months faster and without the racialism. Yay!
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Douglas Pledger : ABC
In a bid to reverse the trend of low literacy levels in this country New Links brings you yet another way to learn the alphabet.
via Hal's Stoopid Links
Abey C is a new character I've drawn for this book idea 'Learn The Alphabet.' A slightly darker look at the alphabet. I will soon be doing more of these in hope to get a line published. Abey's 123 Book, Abey's Colours, Abey's Shapes, etc.So between this one and the previous one's we've featured here, here, here and here you've got no excuse not to be learning.
via Hal's Stoopid Links
Having a bad computer day?
I know i occasionally want to take a hammer to mine but these guys take it to another level.
Link pinched from
Link pinched from
Kluivert spot

He was stuck in traffic on St James Boulevard heading away from SJP. He saw us all looking at him and waved and we of course all waved back like loons!
Then i must be...

Which Annoying B-list Celebrity Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey.
Where in the world... is coming later as i have just got in.
ASL? wanna cyber with jenny18? lol!!!!
We've mentioned chatbots on here before but Jenny18 is possibly the best chatbot - evar!
It mimics a horny, dumb chick with a
via qwghlm home of the Daily Mail o matic
It mimics a horny, dumb chick with a
"massive dumb blonde script that has like 3,800 responses on all sorts of topics, but mostly sex."Mimics one so well in fact that when the author took it onto dalnet loads of horny, dumb guys tried to get off with it. The logs are here. Fscking class!
via qwghlm home of the Daily Mail o matic
Simpsons to reveal gay character

So who is the gay Simpsons character?
"Speculation is already running rife across fan websites about who will be the mystery gay character, ranging from Mr Burns' devoted sidekick Waylon Smithers to one or both of Homer's sisters-in-law."All I can say if it's Smithers it's not much of a bloody mystery - even my 10 year old daughter knows Smithers is gay.
My money's on Neddy boy but only because of his big gay moustache. But if it is going to be a mystery it's going to have to be harder than that. So I'm going to go for Mr Burns who will disappear into the sunset with Waylon.
Ideal blogger's job
Of course if you are worried about getting sacked for blogging you should maybe apply for this job.
via Anil Dash's Daily Links
via Anil Dash's Daily Links
Which Annoying B-list Celebrity Are You?
Buck up boyo, you're Anne Robinson!
When you're not offending the Welsh or stupid Americans on the dumbed-down transatlantic version of your hate-filled, lowest common denominator gameshow, you're being mean to people and pulling the legs off injured animals. We've seen you.
Frankly, all this anger would be best directed towards evil corporations, which you did for a while at the helm of the BBC's Watchdog programme - the only show infinitely better with you on it. As it is, you've suddenly become a multi-million-dollar institution, spawning clones in hundreds of countries, presumably all winking in that terrifying "I look cuddly now, but I can hurt you. Oh yes, I can hurt you bad" way.
Maybe you're ultra-famous, but you'll always be a B-list celebrity in our eyes. At least you're not writing for the Daily Mail any more.
You can tell the world exactly what kind of link they are with the following angry outburst:

Which Annoying B-list Celebrity Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey.
Well that's bhell13 not talking to me then.
via Ideophobia
When you're not offending the Welsh or stupid Americans on the dumbed-down transatlantic version of your hate-filled, lowest common denominator gameshow, you're being mean to people and pulling the legs off injured animals. We've seen you.
Frankly, all this anger would be best directed towards evil corporations, which you did for a while at the helm of the BBC's Watchdog programme - the only show infinitely better with you on it. As it is, you've suddenly become a multi-million-dollar institution, spawning clones in hundreds of countries, presumably all winking in that terrifying "I look cuddly now, but I can hurt you. Oh yes, I can hurt you bad" way.
Maybe you're ultra-famous, but you'll always be a B-list celebrity in our eyes. At least you're not writing for the Daily Mail any more.
You can tell the world exactly what kind of link they are with the following angry outburst:

Which Annoying B-list Celebrity Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey.
Well that's bhell13 not talking to me then.
via Ideophobia
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Where in the world...

Where in the world was ILuvNUFC?
There is a brilliant prize on offer for the winner
I'm off somewhere very early in the morning so you will not hear from me until teatime when i shall post another in the series.
Follow up: Technorati redesign
After the whinge this afternoon it's only fair to point out that searches are working again.
Now we can talk about the redesign. Oooh it's lovely. That should cover it.
Now we can talk about the redesign. Oooh it's lovely. That should cover it.
Preparing for Emergencies
I haven't got my copy of the Government's new guide for coping with a terrorist attack yet so I'm glad it's online. I wouldn't have known how to cope with getting infected with something deadly. Now I do. The official advice is to find Cannon and Ball with the aim of infecting them. Sterling plan.
This is an excellent parody of the official site. Too excellent it seems - some governmental busybody has written to complain that it may confuse people. Pah spoilsports. But Thomas Scott says he isn't taking it down. Yay! He'd just better watch out for eager to make amends and show they're not very crap after all secret service types with brollies full of poison. Probably.
via boingboing
This is an excellent parody of the official site. Too excellent it seems - some governmental busybody has written to complain that it may confuse people. Pah spoilsports. But Thomas Scott says he isn't taking it down. Yay! He'd just better watch out for eager to make amends and show they're not very crap after all secret service types with brollies full of poison. Probably.
via boingboing
Dogs in thongs
Nope our Dogs hasn't started a new career as a laydees underwear model though he is open to offers! The Dogone Thong is a fart deodoriser for dogs. It's basically a strip of charcoal to wrap around your dog's bum. I find just kicking the smelly bugger out of the house is just as effective and much cheaper.
via Coolio's Blog
via Coolio's Blog
Free Music is a site that allows members of unsigned bands to upload demo tracks and have them voted on by you. According to the blurb 14 bands have signed major deals since the site started although I can't find any details other than the claim.
There is a huge amount of material here and some of it has to be good if only by the law of averages. The music is broken up by genre so there is punk, rock, r'n'b (rhythm and bass rather than proper r'n'b but they do have a blues section), pop, dance etc etc.
via linkfilter
There is a huge amount of material here and some of it has to be good if only by the law of averages. The music is broken up by genre so there is punk, rock, r'n'b (rhythm and bass rather than proper r'n'b but they do have a blues section), pop, dance etc etc.
via linkfilter
Band To Band Links
This is quite cool. It's like a Kevin Bacon thingummyjig but for bands rather than people. Put in the name of 2 bands (700+ in database so far) and this page will attempt to link them via band members that have appeared in other bands. So for instance did you know the Small Faces are only 19 degrees of separation away from Blink 182?
Can you pick Michael Jackson's nose?

You get 15 pictures of noses and you have to guess whether it's Wacko's or not. I got 10 out 15.
Saddam's poetry
Former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein is passing his time in solitary confinement by writing poems about the Chimpmeister.
His American prison cell is 3 by 4 metres and air-conditioned.Though if you are American you probably will already know as 1 in 32 Americans spent some time in jail last year.
His American prison cell is 3 by 4 metres and air-conditioned.Though if you are American you probably will already know as 1 in 32 Americans spent some time in jail last year.
Google launches itself..again
Google seems to be back up and running after a few problems with a new version of the MyDoom virus yesterday. Google is one of several search engines used by MyDoom to find valid e-mail addresses on the net. Google recovers after virus hits
Look out for a flood of emails telling us we are spamming the world!
Look out for a flood of emails telling us we are spamming the world!
Technorati Redesign
Technorati has come out of beta and has a new look to boot. Lots of other blogs are talking about the Technorati redesign. There are a lot of sites out there taking about how nice it looks - have they actually used it or just loaded the page? It seems to be badly broken.
Searches haven't worked since yesterday and the link to profiles just stopped working. I needed to go and get some new code. Not a huge problem but it would be nice if they could have let users know that the links they have back to Technorati are useless. Oh and New Links was no longer registered as belonging to anyone - I had to reclaim it. And now I can't log in at all. At least when Blogger rolled out their redeisgn it came with loads of new features and took a while to settle down. Technorati seems to have introduced no new features just a new skin so what's their excuse?
Still not to worry - it looks nice.
Searches haven't worked since yesterday and the link to profiles just stopped working. I needed to go and get some new code. Not a huge problem but it would be nice if they could have let users know that the links they have back to Technorati are useless. Oh and New Links was no longer registered as belonging to anyone - I had to reclaim it. And now I can't log in at all. At least when Blogger rolled out their redeisgn it came with loads of new features and took a while to settle down. Technorati seems to have introduced no new features just a new skin so what's their excuse?
Still not to worry - it looks nice.
Monday, July 26, 2004
A Case of the Crabs
No b3ta newsletter this week to plunder from as they seem to think just because it's summer they are allowed time off! Pah. Lazy slackers. :)
Anyhoo they've put up a couple of links in lieu of a newsletter and one of them is "A Case of the Crabs" which is a pointy-clicky adventure like Monkey Island. This is a black and white 'film noir' detective story and looks pretty good. It also features Dogs playing Mahjong so it has something for everyone. Well everyone except Dogs himself as it seems a bit light on pr0n.
Oh did I mention it was made by otters? Clever little fsckers.
More free pointy clicky adventure goodness here, here (and again!) and here.
via b3ta
Anyhoo they've put up a couple of links in lieu of a newsletter and one of them is "A Case of the Crabs" which is a pointy-clicky adventure like Monkey Island. This is a black and white 'film noir' detective story and looks pretty good. It also features Dogs playing Mahjong so it has something for everyone. Well everyone except Dogs himself as it seems a bit light on pr0n.
Oh did I mention it was made by otters? Clever little fsckers.
More free pointy clicky adventure goodness here, here (and again!) and here.
via b3ta
BugMeNot says "bring it on"
BugMeNot now requires users to register. Don't worry though as this only applies to web weasels
BugMeNot are also asking non registration sites to add the following to their TOS:
More on BugMeNot here and here.
"If you are an employee, partner, affiliate or legal representative of any site which enforces compulsory user registration then we require you to complete our registration process. It costs nothing to register and will only take a moment."The form required is pretty big (although I have seen actual registration forms even bigger than that) and the questions are fairly silly. Revenge is sweet! ;)
BugMeNot are also asking non registration sites to add the following to their TOS:
Any subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, or employees of any site employing compulsory user registration mechanisms are not authorized to access the content or services of this site.which would effectively make it illegal for say NY Times reporters to use the web if everybody did it. New Links may well have a one paragraph TOS in place tonight!
More on BugMeNot here and here.
Bush vs Bush

Lego Guitar

via the Flophouse (Flip's now back online after his site was hacked last week. Bastards!)
What if Mozilla were to win in the end?

Show of hands...How many of you use Internet Explorer?
New Feature
Although I see bhell13 has already discovered. I've changed our visitor online counter. The previous one worked very well and if all you want is a simple visitor count I can't recommend Tagboard's highly enough.
Our new counter though has a few more features. For starters it keeps a permanent record of the high water mark ie the maximum number of people on a site at once. In addition to that with a bit of cookie magic you can see who is online if they setup the their WIP Name. This script is by Bloglog - however the instructions are in Dutch so you will need to run them through Babelfish or something. Or be born in Holland.
via Attu Sees All as this is where I saw it implemented.
Our new counter though has a few more features. For starters it keeps a permanent record of the high water mark ie the maximum number of people on a site at once. In addition to that with a bit of cookie magic you can see who is online if they setup the their WIP Name. This script is by Bloglog - however the instructions are in Dutch so you will need to run them through Babelfish or something. Or be born in Holland.
via Attu Sees All as this is where I saw it implemented.
Google Preview

Prepare to lose your days to this online footy game.
Howay the lads!
Hattrick is an online football game where you trade players and coach your team in competition with hundreds of thousands of simultaneous opponents from all over the world.
Howay the lads!
Revenge of the Sith
...has been announced as the title for Star Wars III. Let's just hope it is better than the previous two.
Friday, July 23, 2004
Patrick Kluivert - your thoughts

For what it's worth I've wanted Kluivert to come to the toon for a few years now and it always seemed on the cards. But more recently it was Beattie who seemed to be our target and I had gradually warmed to and eventually liked that idea. I'm definitely not complaining though as Kluivert is world class - and we'll buy Beattie next summer when we are preparing for the Champion's League. ;)
I know Kluivert hasn't been as good recently as he has been in the past but I'm sure him and Shearer are going to be absolute magic together. Just as well Dogs isn't around as we'd now have a slanging match. Yay!
Uncle Sam Needs You

The US military have announced that cosmetic surgery will be available free of charge to it's service men and women and their families. This includes breast jobs, nose jobs, liposuction and face lifts. So if you're too poor to afford it just join the Army. Yay. Oh hang on you might get shot at. Boo!
Was the moonlanding faked?
I don't know but one of the most common proofs given is that stars can't be seen in any of the photographs from the Apollo missions. The just weren't looking properly! Someone has taken some of the Apollo 11 pics and processed them through photoshop (tm blah blah!) and has found stars are visible in the sky.
So was it faked? This guy thinks not but a really convincing argument that it was faked can be found here. Just don't let this bloke hear you saying it!
And whilst we are on the subject of the moon here's a couple of cool lunar panoramas: 1,2 (need QT).
So was it faked? This guy thinks not but a really convincing argument that it was faked can be found here. Just don't let this bloke hear you saying it!
And whilst we are on the subject of the moon here's a couple of cool lunar panoramas: 1,2 (need QT).

I remember when my
A quite addictive game to while away you're friday afternoon at work. Hungry Mario
I almost forgot, here is a Ralph Wiggum soundboard.
Guess who has just recieved some tickets for TOTP Gateshead next week? I applied for them for the wife's sister but i don't think she can make it. I will find out and if she can't we shall have a real prize for a NewLinks compo.They would be no good to us as the music is crap and we are too old! :)
I almost forgot, here is a Ralph Wiggum soundboard.
Guess who has just recieved some tickets for TOTP Gateshead next week? I applied for them for the wife's sister but i don't think she can make it. I will find out and if she can't we shall have a real prize for a NewLinks compo.They would be no good to us as the music is crap and we are too old! :)
Our Man in Hanoi
Or WITW is BykerSink off to?
Our neighbour has launched his new blog, Our Man in Hanoi, which he is going to use for documenting his experiences in Vietnam during his VSO stint.
Best of luckBykerSink OMIH!
Our neighbour has launched his new blog, Our Man in Hanoi, which he is going to use for documenting his experiences in Vietnam during his VSO stint.
Best of luck
Ninja Jeopardy

One of the things that make him flip out though is people getting the answers wrong when he watches Jeopardy.
via Milk and Cookies
Now that's what I call irony

Environmental activist Blake Champlin was killed when a
tree supporting a hammock fell and crushed him.Do your bit for the survival of the human race and burn a tree today - it's what Blake would have wanted. Probably.
One for the laydees
or is it a WITW from Bungers?
via Portal of Evil
Are you tired that your friends talk about sex and you are still virgin?Gerson Guerrero has come up with a cunning idea - he has set up a company to help you get rid of that pesky virginity. He has 6 men on the books so you have a choice of who you want to be deflowered by but Senor Guerrero has a "series of unique procedures" so you may want to give him a try. I don't know whether he can give you your brown wing thing though.
Calm, your problems can be fixed
The sex is at this time the most important topic you cannot be delayed behind!!!
via Portal of Evil
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Fugitive images

More graffiti? Try here, here, here and here.
via Attu Sees All
Francis Grose's Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue, 1811
Always aiming to provide a public service New Links pushes the earliest boundary of the history of swearing in the UK from 1900 to 1811 with the discovery of Francis Grose's Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue. Direct link to a plain text version here.
Includes such gems as
Includes such gems as
MADGE. The private parts of a woman.Yay for historic swearing!
WHORE PIPE. The penis.
BUSHEL BUBBY. A full breasted woman.
The history of swearing in the UK
Exactly what it says on the tin. Well almost. It's subtitled "Last Century's Great Moments in Swearing" so while it features such classic firsts as:
- 1936
- Music hall comedian Hector Thaxter becomes the first man to say "Arse" on the radio.
What a rip!

The reason given for the two grounds that have been chosen is the fact that they are the biggest in the country.It's all down to FA greed, the games could be shared with other cities such as Birmingham or Liverpool.The only problem is the FA will not get as much gate money.So what's a few quid compared to keeping a fresh atmosphere which you would get if the games were spread around and giving more people their last chance to see England in a quality game outside stinking London.It's only fair the games should be held outside London because when the new Wembley stadium is built the rest of England will never see another international game, but that's another argument. BBC SPORT
Scare Factory
The ScareFactory sells scary accessories for things like Ghost Trains or other scary attractions. Want a 9 foot monster costume or a car flying through a brick wall? Then the Scare Factory is where you'll find them.
Blink-link (not for Bungers)

Slo-dem users need not apply!
Top 10 lists
Love 'em or hate 'em you can't escape from top 10 lists on the Inter-Web. Here is a selection of the best that i have seen.I thought the top 10 children's books was amusing.
Are you on you're own again mmChronic?
Link pinched from Coolio's
Are you on you're own again mmChronic?
Link pinched from Coolio's
I gave my cat an enema

He should have given Blessed Herbs a go - guaranteed to shift 17 tonnes of impacted fecal matter, a family of circus performers and a Nissan Micra from your bowels. Probably.
via Bifurcated Rivets
Simpsons Maths

via Ultimate Insult
Making Moonshine
Be just like Uncle Jesse and distill your own alcohol. Watch for that pesky sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane though as this is most definitely illegal - unless you are in New Zealand apparently.
Oh and as an added bonus I found a rude GIS (NSFW) when looking for Uncle Jess pics.
via linkfilter
Oh and as an added bonus I found a rude GIS (NSFW) when looking for Uncle Jess pics.
via linkfilter
Hippie Society: The Youth Rebellion
Lots of videos of hippies (the peaceloving, pot smoking, acid dropping 60s kind) doing their hippy thing (loving peace, smoking pot and dropping acid) at CBC.
via Waxy
via Waxy
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Time to calm down I think

via GrowABrain
Now that's what I call protesting part 2
I'm presuming every one has seen the pictures of the Norwegian rock show with live sex on stage? How about the video?. NSFW!
via Coolio's Blog
via Coolio's Blog
Celebrity Blog Spot 6
This time it's the turn of Jerry Springer and there's not an overweight redneck claiming sex with his mother is mighty fine in sight. More celebrity blogs here.
Kluivert signs this afternoon/Hugo leaves

Do you want your goes like?
More details on the spat between Cheney and Leahy. Most amusing bit in the piece is the bit where a DJ gets fined half a million dollars for saying 'crap' on air. So mild expletives on radio is totally illegal and blowing up civilians totally legal? God bless America.
Wacko will be able to reenact Snow White soon

So what will his new kids be called? God knows but here's a review of the current crops names to give you some idea.
via Anil Dash
Whoa Dude!
The link is to a video which shows a bomb massacre in Fallujah. Specifically it shows a crowd of what looks to be about 30 people moving down a street getting blown up by a bomb using the now de rigeur viewpoint of the aiming camera. Nothing unusual as the Americans are slaughtering people all over the country. Except for the final comment by one of the killers.
And just in case anyone is thinking that they were scumbag terrorists who deserve what they get read this.
via Bloggerheads - it's back.
And just in case anyone is thinking that they were scumbag terrorists who deserve what they get read this.
via Bloggerheads - it's back.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Foreballs Foreskin Restoration Device
And once dogs has finished piercing his cogs he might want to try the Foreballs Foreskin Restoration Device. It'll be handy if he chews off too much skin whilst biting the holes for his jewellery.
via Coolio's Blog
via Coolio's Blog
The Weather Pixie
I saw an even neater implementation of this earlier on. This blog has a banner which is the representation of the view from his parent's farm. This is changed graphically according to the current weather and lighting conditions.
via Supermum
Buzz Aldrin punch video
Do you think the moon landings were faked? Well if so, don't mention it to Buzz or you will get one of these
Link pinched from Incoming signals
Link pinched from Incoming signals
A handful of disturbing pictures. spcOnline Body Piercing Photo gallery
Let's hope it does'nt give Dogs any ideas. :)
Let's hope it does'nt give Dogs any ideas. :)
Job Predictor
Are you in the right job? Here's an easy way to tell - the Job Predictor. Just type in your name and and it will predict your ideal job.
Using my online name of mmChronic I got suicide bomber! eek! Luckily with my real name I got computer nerd which is handy.
Using my online name of mmChronic I got suicide bomber! eek! Luckily with my real name I got computer nerd which is handy.
Free iPod

Jammy bastards. We were lucky to get photocopied handouts of very bad handwriting at the
via boingboing
Billie Simpson "Drunk Armless Midget" Picture CD
Good old eBay.Bidding has finished folks but you can still view some of the pictures. Billie Simpson "Drunk Armless Midget" Picture CD
Brutal honesty
I'm back.Looks like posting in the evening is the only way i can manage.
Here is a brutally honest personal ad, if you read between the lines.To be precise just read line 1,3 and 5.
Link pinched from
Has anyone seen our bhell13 or Mergs?
Here is a brutally honest personal ad, if you read between the lines.To be precise just read line 1,3 and 5.
Link pinched from
Has anyone seen our bhell13 or Mergs?
Post box or Cheese?. Possibly the hardest test in the world!
If you have difficulty telling postboxes from cheese and continually try to post your letters in a pile of cheddar then this test is for you.
Post box or CHEESE? will test your cheese / postbox recognition facilities to the full.
via everlasting blort
Post box or CHEESE? will test your cheese / postbox recognition facilities to the full.
via everlasting blort
Follow Up: Diamonds and getting rich quick
We've had diamonds and getting rich quick. How about getting rich quick by finding a diamond which is 4 times the size of the Hope diamond? Sounds like a plan to me.
via Attu Sees All
via Attu Sees All
More nano nano stuff.
And not a Mork in sight. Dogs mention of how to get rich quick yesterday got us mentioned on Howard Lovy's NanoBot blog which has lots more nanotechnology news and links.
More Fox News
After the making of the Outfoxed documentary and the release of the Fox memo's legal moves are afoot to strip Fox of their "Fair and Balanced" slogan as it is patently not true.
How to catch student's cheating in pub quizzes
Apparently some New Zealand schoolkids have developed a gadget that will detect sneaky mobile phone use - that'll catch the cheating fsckers.
One for Dogs

MP3Blogs Aggregator or 'let the mp3s come to you'
I was talking to ILuvNufc the other week about how easy it would be to do an auto updated mp3 blog which continually scraped other mp3 blogs for new posts. Now there's no need for any effort on our part as MP3Blogs Aggregator has been launched.
It looks like it use the same code as the UKBlogs Aggregator. There aren't many mp3 blogs listed yet but that should change. They could also do with tidying up the list of blogs they already have as a couple I clicked were decidedly mp3 free.
It looks like it use the same code as the UKBlogs Aggregator. There aren't many mp3 blogs listed yet but that should change. They could also do with tidying up the list of blogs they already have as a couple I clicked were decidedly mp3 free.
Monday, July 19, 2004
Duct Tape Workshop - Make A Wallet
Who would have guessed it? It seems Duct Tape isn't limited to it's intended purpose of sticking people to the wall. This very versatile product can be used to make a wallet too.
via Coolio's Blog
via Coolio's Blog
Bembo's Zoo
We've had an evil animal alphabet but this one is just an animal alphabet. Confused? Bembo's Zoo consists of animals made of the letters that make their names up. So for instance for letter M there is a picture of a monkey made from the letters m,o,n,k,e and y.
via bifurcated rivets
via bifurcated rivets
Dog Island Free Forever

The idea is that your dog is released to become feral and live a free life feasting on rabbits (and according to the 'high strung' question in the FAQ each other every now and then!), forming packs, sniffing each others arses and pooping everywhere.
via Portal of Evil
Blink 182 tickets for Newcastle

Skateboard Mom
Does your mam embarrass you by grinding around the War Memorial in Eldon Square or doing 360s in the park? It seems you are not alone in having a Skateboard Mom.
I'm off to build a half pipe for my mam.
via linkfilter
I'm off to build a half pipe for my mam.
via linkfilter
Make your own Elvis hits
...and many, many more as K-Tel used to say.
The first rock and roll record, "That's all right", which is again a hit in the UK is about to leave copyright in the EU in January 2005. This also means that within the next 10-15 years we'll have copyright-free Who, Stones, Beatles tracks etc etc. Can anyone say mashup in a sixties stylee?
I'm off to do a Jive Bunny compilation.
The first rock and roll record, "That's all right", which is again a hit in the UK is about to leave copyright in the EU in January 2005. This also means that within the next 10-15 years we'll have copyright-free Who, Stones, Beatles tracks etc etc. Can anyone say mashup in a sixties stylee?
I'm off to do a Jive Bunny compilation.
Sunday, July 18, 2004
One for dogs
Well it's more of a warning to his potential mating partners really. A town in Kenya has reportedly killed 500 pigs for mating with dogs! And if that doesn't cement his place as New Links dortiest 'member' I don't know what will.
via popbitch - no link given again. They are a bunch of lazy fsckers! :)
via popbitch - no link given again. They are a bunch of lazy fsckers! :)
Freaky Reptiles

via linkfilter
Friday, July 16, 2004
Vote BNP
The latest edition of the b3ta newsletter is out and the recurring theme of redirects continues. I wonder where points to? Previous redirects here and here.
Don't forget to check the newsletter for loads of other stuff including pictorial evidence that even Nazi SS Stormtroopers aren't kitten proof. Although they were probably laughing because they were tying it to a grenade. Twunts.
Don't forget to check the newsletter for loads of other stuff including pictorial evidence that even Nazi SS Stormtroopers aren't kitten proof. Although they were probably laughing because they were tying it to a grenade. Twunts.
The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art
A while ago we linked to a collection of fictional and actual scenes recreated in isometric videogame style. Now you can have a go at recreating one yourself with the help of The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art.
It has sections on shapes, colour, doing grass, drawing people and tons more. I'm off to recreate Liam O'Brien's goal against the mackems.
via Kottke's Remaindered Links
It has sections on shapes, colour, doing grass, drawing people and tons more. I'm off to recreate Liam O'Brien's goal against the mackems.
via Kottke's Remaindered Links
Fox News Memos: The Whole Batch
Continued from here.
...but Wonkette have. Yay. Not that anyone needs convincing of the untrustworthiness of Fox News but this stuff makes for very interesting reading.
...but Wonkette have. Yay. Not that anyone needs convincing of the untrustworthiness of Fox News but this stuff makes for very interesting reading.
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Somebody has made a documentary on how Fox News twists the news. They have obtained 33 internal Fox memos that prove this. Unfortunately they haven't put them on the site...
Tim Berners-Lee has received a knighthood to go with his long overdue wedge. Sir Tim (OBE) deserves everything he gets as he is the man who invented the interweb. Well him and Al Gore anyway!
"Dishonest Dubya" Lying Action Figure Doll

via Flabber
One for bhell13

If nothing else it may ease his hiraeth when he is away from home. Or something.
Accessible Odeon? Not any more.
I have just been on the Odeon site to check ticket availabilty for Fahrenheit 911. The site doesn't work at all in Firefox - you can't even view film times never mind book tickets.
So I dived across to the Accessible Od*on site which provides a cleaner front end (including the ability to book tickets) to the official Odeon site. Well it used to until Odeon's lawyers forced them to take it down. No doubt you'll read about in on NTK this afternoon as it was this site that inspired NTK's challenge to redesign bad websites.
So I have to use IE to book a ticket at the Odeon site? I don't think so. Lost sale ching ching.
So I dived across to the Accessible Od*on site which provides a cleaner front end (including the ability to book tickets) to the official Odeon site. Well it used to until Odeon's lawyers forced them to take it down. No doubt you'll read about in on NTK this afternoon as it was this site that inspired NTK's challenge to redesign bad websites.
So I have to use IE to book a ticket at the Odeon site? I don't think so. Lost sale ching ching.
All about Blogger's post editor
Blogger's Post Editor has been jazzed up (although it doesn't seem to have been extended to the BlogThis window which I'm using now) and has lots of new features.
When I first read about it I couldn't see all the new stuff and, as bhell13 commented, the link and preview bits had disappeared. I tried it in IE in case it was a Firefox problem and the new stuff showed up fine. So I tried again in Firefox, hit refresh a few times and it now appears.
via Sapentium
When I first read about it I couldn't see all the new stuff and, as bhell13 commented, the link and preview bits had disappeared. I tried it in IE in case it was a Firefox problem and the new stuff showed up fine. So I tried again in Firefox, hit refresh a few times and it now appears.
via Sapentium
Star Wars origami
I seem to remember NewLinks having a thing about origami a while back. This one should top all previous posts. Star Wars origami
No instructions on how-to, just pictures, which should be OK as i don't think anybody ever attempts these things.Do they?
No instructions on how-to, just pictures, which should be OK as i don't think anybody ever attempts these things.Do they?
2DC Highway Code
The story of man meets woman told in the Highway Code
I was over the moon when I saw this. I thought I would be able to keep my Giant Peruvian Otter in an OtterBox to stop it crapping all over the bathroom floor.
Imagine my disappointment when I discovered they were "protective watertight cases and ruggedized PDA Cases" including the oPod which is a waterproof iPod case . Pah.
via linkfilter
Imagine my disappointment when I discovered they were "protective watertight cases and ruggedized PDA Cases" including the oPod which is a waterproof iPod case . Pah.
via linkfilter
Mozilla Vulnerability Timeline

via boing boing
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