It turns out that it will be closing at the end of the coming season which means we have a free, decent, online, automatically scored, Fantasy Football game at our disposal. With prizes.
So should we set up a league for the New Links regulars? Leave comments below if you want in - if I get enough positive responses I'll make sure we have a league up and running for the start of the competition on August 28th.
fitba? We don't want shite scotchish teams in!
I was going to put something about all the so called fscking footy experts on here but didn't want to provoke an argument - it's too hot!
So at the very least the rest of you can watch Dogs and I struggle for supremacy as New Links Offical Footy Expert. Yay!
75th best Sun reading footy expert on board too! :)
So shall we restrict the team names to a monosyllable so as not to confuse you? ;)
Afternoon chaps!
I´m up for a bit of that!
How are we all this lovely afternoon?
Looks like I´ve got a bit of catching up to do with regards to reading all the last four weeks nonsense! I´ll have to download the tinternet and read it all on the plane on the way home! ;)
ola bungholio!
2 goes on the interweb in a month - lucky you! :)
(As they say in Brasil!)
Yeppers... I was making sure you were all still alive. ;) You know that device ET hooks up so he can phone home? That´s my tinterweb connection. I made it out of a speak and spell and an old umbrella!
Dossing about in Sao Paulo for a couple of days, then fly back into the UK on Sunday night. Back to work on Monday!
Off for lunch now.. all you can eat meat for 3 quid I suppose! ;)
Laters dudes!
All you can eat meat? In Brazil?
Can anyone spell lady boy?
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