For what it's worth I've wanted Kluivert to come to the toon for a few years now and it always seemed on the cards. But more recently it was Beattie who seemed to be our target and I had gradually warmed to and eventually liked that idea. I'm definitely not complaining though as Kluivert is world class - and we'll buy Beattie next summer when we are preparing for the Champion's League. ;)
I know Kluivert hasn't been as good recently as he has been in the past but I'm sure him and Shearer are going to be absolute magic together. Just as well Dogs isn't around as we'd now have a slanging match. Yay!
My thoughts are that Viana admits he's pants.
Or something.
It's shame it took him so long to notice! :)
He's not bad - he's just not a Premiership player.
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