Why the Sir Patrick Moore icon i hear you ask.Our favourite star-gazer has'nt been very well of late causing him to take a sickie from The Sky At Night for the first time in 47 years.Get Well soon.NewLinker's thoughts are with you.
Blogger has performed without a problem this morning, so far.Please can we have the icons back on the first page?
No. There were sound technical reasons for moving them off the front page - all given in the post. Now you are running FireFox(?) just click on the icon link with your middle button.
Of course if you are going to volunteer to keep the code updated for every new icon added (changes to templates in 4 places + testing) I may reconsider. No? Thought not.
Poor Sir Patrick. Of course only he could get food poisoning from a duck egg - it would be kebab or burgers for the rest of us.
Get well soon 'Gamesmarstah!'
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