Here's a quiz that gives you forty video game screenshots and asks you to
guess the game it comes from. What's extra nice is that it is quite generous on most of the answers i.e. if it's from a series you can just give the name of the series rather than the particular game.
There are 40 shots and I got 27 right - if you know what
29 &
38 are leave a comment. A couple of those look familiar but I can't remember the names - and 38 I'm almost positive what it is but it won't take my answer. Bah! ;)
via WebNymph
Nearly there :)
I was thinking Bomberman for 38.
Day of the Tentacle and Starcraft I recognised but couldn't put a name to.
I would never have recognised Pirates - it's a much blockier version than the one I played.
I can't believe I didn't get Sam and Max - though I still don't recognise/remember that screenshot.
1 ?
4 ?
8 Half Life
9 Final Fantasy VII
14 Need For Speed 3
16 Another I recognise but don't know name of
24 Wing Commander 3
26 Don't know
27 Zak McCracken
So we're down to 1, 4, 16 and 26.
Re Bomberman - it's strange I remember the non Amiga name....
1 - Duke Nukem
16 - Rayman
I stunk it up - only got 8, but got diablo, rayman, and FFVII immediately..
Zak McKracken is the spelling it took for erm... Zak McKracken. I misspelt in my comment above.
So one left and the combine gaming geekery of New Links can't get it... ;)
No fscking way - I tried that!
Though I may have spelt it War.
Quiz complete! W00t!
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