Game on...guaranteed to get you mad...
Girls girls everywhere and not a nip in sight...I'm losing my touch...
I may own more than two pair of dress shoes, and maybe a designer suit, but I don’t mind going to the grocery store in sweats. And I may even go a day or two without a shower.
An oldie but from my bookmarks...Misty Island...
Behold my dream vehicle...see once upon a time I was a surfing hippy...
Make sure you're wearing the right condom if slamming your wang in a car door...ouch!
I am 11% Metrosexual.
Metro-What? Git Off My Lawn! Here is some advice. STOP BUYING YOUR CLOTHS AT WAL-MART!!!! You will never land a decent woman unless you shave that
nasty facial hair, and spend more then $5 on a haircut.
WTF are "workout clothes"? ;)
Guess what?
Almost the same as wor kid above. 10%. Same text.
You must have lost a point for twatting cats. ;)
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