No it's not Deep ASCII again - it's the State of the Union address from Bush (jr and sr) in an ASCII stylee.
via boingboing
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Mount St. Helens Webcam


The Bug. TiVo for your radio.
One for Hippy Tony...mayhem and chaos hair.
Are Friends Eclectech?. b3ta inspired madness.
Telefunkenphone division. WWII's biggest secret revealed. Needs sound. My best link of the week.
This is broken.
Faux News Channel
Faux News is a parody of Fox News and despite being satire is probably still closer to the truth than Fox is.
via Linkfilter
via Linkfilter
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Blogging multiple pictures in a single post
When we first started using Picasa's free unlimited jpg image hosting we only had one complaint and that was regarding the fact you couldn't post multiple images at once.
We worked around this using the New Links picture dump to dump the images (and our icons) which we then hack about and put in a single post if we want to. Well it seems there is a way to queue images and post them to a single post after all. We'll be expecting a double post from Bungers tomorrow.
via Blogger Forum
We worked around this using the New Links picture dump to dump the images (and our icons) which we then hack about and put in a single post if we want to. Well it seems there is a way to queue images and post them to a single post after all. We'll be expecting a double post from Bungers tomorrow.
via Blogger Forum
SpaceShipOne about to launch

UPDATE: The New Scientist says it will actually be at 1447 BST - so in about an hour then.
Morning All

Here is todays pile of...
Bombs Over Denver!. A handbook created in the 50's for the citizens of Denver helping them to prepare for an A-bomb attack.
The Belly Button Lint survey or fluff in your belly button.
For those of you that live in an IKEA house how about solid wood PC peripherals.
GoogleDate lets you enter a date and then searches using Google for what happened on that date and shows three results.
Thanks to coolios.
I apologise for any re-posts.
Be nice day!
Morning all! Here's today's daily pic...
It's from last night, on the Tyne. Maybe I'll start a New Feature™ called "The Shipping News™"... ;)
In the news today...
GameSpy's 25 Most Memorable Games of the Past 5 Years
Yep, Gamespy is 5 years young today, and they...
My other campaign today is "International Be Nice to Someone™" day. Tell your nearest and dearest something nice, or do something good for someone today. Me and The Chump are off to visit our buddy in the hospital today. Get well soon Gerg!

It's from last night, on the Tyne. Maybe I'll start a New Feature™ called "The Shipping News™"... ;)
In the news today...

Yep, Gamespy is 5 years young today, and they...
...aren't necessarily the BEST (games), just the ones that are nearest and dearest to our heartShould get a good Mass Debate™ out of that one!
My other campaign today is "International Be Nice to Someone™" day. Tell your nearest and dearest something nice, or do something good for someone today. Me and The Chump are off to visit our buddy in the hospital today. Get well soon Gerg!
Most Accurate Online Translator
This online translator guarantees that
via Waxy
Your original grammar, style, and spelling are left intact!The service has also recently been extended to add three new languages - French, German & Spanish.
via Waxy
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Lego Film Posters

More Lego?
Another from SnarkySpot - seems they like Lego too!
Andrew Lipson's Lego Page

More Lego?
via SnarkySpot
Match reports

Sunderland is 3rd in the land!

I'll finish with this quote about Sunderland from the article:
not so much a town as a mortuary
emailed by Mike
Rome: Total War

It's getting very good reviews (IGN 9.4, Gamespot 9.1), the demo is fantastic and I will officially be disappearing from New Links posting duties from Friday evening and I may be gone for some time! ;)
OMFG!! Final Fantasy VII: Compilation

w00+!! In surely what must be the best news in ages Square are bringing out not one but lots of Final Fantasy VII stuff!

Check out the whole article here--->PlayStation 2: Final Fantasy VII: Compilation
via gamespy
Green Day cash in.

Thanks to Engadget
Lingerie Dreams

It's better than the lingerie section of the Littlewoods catalogue.
Puppy Curling
And another game - and a possible solution to the problem of all the spare foxhounds we'll have in this country soon. You could try Puppy Curling. Slide the puppy along the kitchen floor and into the target. No sign of the sweeping brushes though so it's more like bowls than curling I reckon.
via A Welsh View
via A Welsh View
Compact Catch!
The Independent have a flash game called Compact Catch! on their site. You have to throw papers through the air to your customers working out angle and power of your throw. Sort of like Yeti Sports crossed with Paperboy.
via Ultimate Insult
via Ultimate Insult
USB Mini Desktop Aquarium. I quite fancy one of these.
I've booked us 6 tickets for the NewLinks trip into space.
3D Ascii art.
The Strange Mechanism Museum. Strange indeed.
I've booked us 6 tickets for the NewLinks trip into space.
3D Ascii art.
The Strange Mechanism Museum. Strange indeed.
Monday, September 27, 2004
How to do the Great North Run in 4 minutes...

New Links does not condone speeding in any shape or form! Don't do it kids!
Top 50 shoot 'em ups!
Im not sure I agree with half of these titles but they have put together a pretty hefty list of old school shooters!
Check it!
Check it!
Nazi Grandpappy Bush

One for coders
Coders (and printers) know how useful Lorem Ipsum is but it makes for very boring reading when you've seen it for the millionth time during testing.
Now there's an alternative - the Malevole Text Generator asks you for the number of paragraphs of text you require and generates them. So what's different? The source of the text used - it's drawn from song lyrics, cartoons and TV series.
For example the page I am currently working on has three paragraphs of generated text consisting of the Muskehounds, Thundercats and Hong Kong Phooey theme songs. This should make page development slightly more amusing if nothing else! :)
Now there's an alternative - the Malevole Text Generator asks you for the number of paragraphs of text you require and generates them. So what's different? The source of the text used - it's drawn from song lyrics, cartoons and TV series.
For example the page I am currently working on has three paragraphs of generated text consisting of the Muskehounds, Thundercats and Hong Kong Phooey theme songs. This should make page development slightly more amusing if nothing else! :)
One for Bungers

Keep them coming Bungholio.
Another brill performance from my FF team this w/e has got to see me rise from the depths of the NewLinks league. Hopefully.
Link pinched from Incoming signals
Best popup book - evar!

Black Magic is a system that takes video of the real world in the direction you are looking then works out if any popup objects are visible. If there are it combines the object with the feed and displays it all on the glasses.
via Waxy
Strange deaths archive. Should'nt laugh, really.
Need a banner for your site? Then MediaBuilder 3D Text Maker is for you. There is lots of options to tick then add your text and sit back and watch it be made for you. Save the image then you can use it on your site.
Analyse your dreams with the Dream Dictionary.
Todays weird eBay item a Glow in the dark cheerleader wig.
The sequence of human evolution.
More free music. The soundtrack to Shaft in Africa.
Hyper History Online. Some interesting stuff, if you like that kind of thing.
Free films from the including Night Of The Living Dead, Reefer Madness, 3 Stooges in Sing A Song Of Six Pants and many more all free and Legit.
Galleries of The Monkees magazine covers. A site devoted to car crash pics and videos.
Thanks to coolios, incomingsignals and catch.
Need a banner for your site? Then MediaBuilder 3D Text Maker is for you. There is lots of options to tick then add your text and sit back and watch it be made for you. Save the image then you can use it on your site.
Analyse your dreams with the Dream Dictionary.
Todays weird eBay item a Glow in the dark cheerleader wig.
The sequence of human evolution.
More free music. The soundtrack to Shaft in Africa.
Hyper History Online. Some interesting stuff, if you like that kind of thing.
Free films from the including Night Of The Living Dead, Reefer Madness, 3 Stooges in Sing A Song Of Six Pants and many more all free and Legit.
Galleries of The Monkees magazine covers. A site devoted to car crash pics and videos.
Thanks to coolios, incomingsignals and catch.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Guffing Gandalf
It's the scene in LotR where the Fellowship is formed - but with added Gandalf guffing goodness (2MB WMV).
It's only a small clip but very funny.
via the b3ta newsletter
It's only a small clip but very funny.
via the b3ta newsletter
Friday, September 24, 2004
Fixed Extensions for Firefox 1.0PR

Loads of extensions updated to work in Firefox 1.0PR
One for Fiddy

via Everlasting Blort
Firefox Download Tweak Extension

via Linkfilter
Hur hur...
One of the girls in our office is up the stick.
Check out this photo of her first scan...

Check out this photo of her first scan...


- A collection of robots from the silver screen.
- More on the free iPod story.
- One for Mr Toongoals. The Internet Deprivation Study.
- Eighteen years after Chernobyl, Norwegian sheep still glow in the dark.
- One for Hippy Tony. The Men's Long Hair Site.
- What your PC does through the night. This explains why my PC is so bloody slow in the morning.
- Today's eBay link. The super mini iPod.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The BBC have taken Infocom's text adventure version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, added graphics and stuck it online to play. Some scenes are still missing graphics and they are the subject of a competition so get your colouring set out.
If posting is slow today you know why!
via Waxy
If posting is slow today you know why!
via Waxy
Portable Firefox 0.9.3 & 1.0PR USB Drive-Friendly

Just make sure whatever net cafe you go to has PCs with USB and you're sorted. Portable Firefox can be installed onto, and ran completely from, a USB memory stick. So I could even stick this on my XD card for my camera and just plug my camera into a PC to get a decent browser.
Bloody tourist? I prefer to think of it as travelling with savvy! ;)
Thursday, September 23, 2004
More Star Wars DVD Changes...

When you play the Extra Features DVD on the Xbox it will update the dashboard without asking your permission.
Naughty Bill. Naughty George. tsk tsk.
via linkfilter
How Chav Are You?

I'm off to burn some shirts.
via Small Values of Cool
Primate Penitentiary? Chimp Chokey? Bonobo Big House?

As monkeys are sacred to Hindus due to them being living representatives of the monkey god Hanuman (the White?) they can't give them a good kicking when they run amok so a monkey jail has been built to keep them off the streets. Apparently the current exchange rate for a banana is 2 phone cards.
via boingboing
Follow Up : Q-bert news

Good things : It looks like FFVII the movie crossed with AI
Bad things : It has serial whinger/cry baby Paltrow in it.
The Da Vinci Code - crock of shite

Well let this be a lesson to all the believers. It's a fictional story not a history book.
Jamming wit' the Lord!

Makes a change from Mexican pirates I suppose.. ;)
Also, chiggedy ch-ch-check out the video of them
The Jedi Training Generator

Mmm! Powerful, the Force is. Yes! Suffering leads to darkness. A Jedi uses the Force to protect and defend, never to destroy. If you do not have commitment, consume you will the Dark Side. To give into the evil pull of fear is to give your destiny over to the Dark Side. Wrath leads to impatience!Take these into your heart and mind and you too a Jedi will be. Probably.
via the Flophouse
Bush is full of shit

Bush Camps In Africa

A mighty ex-bush, yesterday...

A tree that had exploded yesterday. Check out more photos of the splod tree here. It's a series called "WITW did that happen!", or something... :)
The mighty Bush

mmmmm chronic.
Morning All
- A Brief History of the Apocalypse. Just so you know when the world will end.
- Want some free music? Columbia University is willing to let you download some music in return for your completion of some survey information regarding your musical tastes. Or you could just go here.
- One for Merg. rss creator. Don't know if it is any good to you tho.
- One for Hippy Tony. Make your bike sound like a motorbike with turbospoke. Then again, you'll still need a back wheel first. :)
- Another for the Hippy. He was talking about making massive posters with a printer a while back. Then again, you'll need a printer first. :)
- Bush gets confused, again.
- Todays amusing item on eBay. Not so much the item but more the story.
- Want some free music? Columbia University is willing to let you download some music in return for your completion of some survey information regarding your musical tastes. Or you could just go here.
- One for Merg. rss creator. Don't know if it is any good to you tho.
- One for Hippy Tony. Make your bike sound like a motorbike with turbospoke. Then again, you'll still need a back wheel first. :)
- Another for the Hippy. He was talking about making massive posters with a printer a while back. Then again, you'll need a printer first. :)
- Bush gets confused, again.
- Todays amusing item on eBay. Not so much the item but more the story.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
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