It's from last night, on the Tyne. Maybe I'll start a New Feature™ called "The Shipping News™"... ;)
In the news today...

Yep, Gamespy is 5 years young today, and they...
...aren't necessarily the BEST (games), just the ones that are nearest and dearest to our heartShould get a good Mass Debate™ out of that one!
My other campaign today is "International Be Nice to Someone™" day. Tell your nearest and dearest something nice, or do something good for someone today. Me and The Chump are off to visit our buddy in the hospital today. Get well soon Gerg!
I think Burnout 3 should be higher in the list.
I've been playing it most nights for the last 2 weeks and its amazing.
As for memorable games in the last 5 years my top 5 would be:
1] GTA:III [PS2]- simply amazing, the first 3d crime sim, blazed the way for Vice City and soon San Andreas....
2] NBA Street 2 [PS2}- So many hours lost to this game, so many kick pass alley oop dunks [play the game if that makes no sense]
3] Max Payne [PC] - The 1st '3rd person shooter' with Bullet Time.
4] Spiderman 2 [PS2]- For the freedom to websling around NY as you please, inlcuding jumping off the Empire State building.
5] Burnout 3 [PS2]- for the slow motion crashes alone.
Mine would be... (and these are most memorable, not best ;)
1. Phantasy Star Online (DC) ..as it was my first introduction to online RPG's
2. Star Wars KOTOR (xBox) ..for being a non duff Star Wars licence
3. Lord of the Rings : Two Towers (GC)..purely for redefining the movie licence tie in and doing it so well
4. Rez (DC)
5. Freedom Fighters (PC)...just for being a really enjoyable game!
Jet Grind Radio - and four others whose names I've forgotten. Probably.
Deus Ex was rubbish.
The article was about games that had a memory attached - ie like the 1st all night MMORPG they all sat and played together. I've got very few mories attached to anything it seems. :)
Plus there is the 5 year thing - not sure what was out when so...
I do distinctly remember though buying JSR for the Xbox, sitting on the bus on the way home thinking "can't wait, can't wait" having already played the DC version, throwing the disc in and me being stunned by how much better it was.
Sorry, I'll rephrase that then.
My memory of Deus Ex was that it was rubbish.
Bungers knaas nowt about games - Morrowind is shite because it's gfx aren;t very good. This stopped him actually trying the game. I reckon he's Dogs' cousin. Probably.
With arbitrary 5 year limit removed the most memorable game evar(!) is Knightlore. I can still remember sitting on the bed loading that, seeing pretty load screen, pretty menu, then the best graphics (evar!) - this was of course in the day when Ultimate never leaked screenshots so nobody had a clue what it would look like.
Rainbow Pro^H^H^H Islands due to my Amiga being taken over by wor Darren who would sit playing that until we chucked him out.
GP2 - I remember a 3 disk (saving a whole disk - v important in those days!) version from a group called Wrath. ;)
Lunar Jetman - I was finishing paying the HP off on my Speccy and there was a 20 quid (or so) rebate for early payment. My mother duly nicked this off me as she had 'arranged' the early repayment. How she managed to convince the Thatchbitch to close the yards to allow my dad to get his redundancy cash and finish off my payments for me I'll never know. Anyhoo she let me keep enough for a game - LJ was that game.
That should do for now... :)
Oh - was Wrath or Illusions the name we ended up with? I know it was changed from one to the other due to clashage.
I can assure you the LJ story didn't feel like quality then - it felt like I'd been robbed of 15 quid which was 3 fscking games in those days!
Bungers (despite not existing before 1990) actually had a BBC and wibbles on about BBC Elite and Frak and Repton and assorted other posh kids games! ;)
I was going to mention Manic Miner too (the sound effect when you die was awesome and went right up your spine) but after looking at the other games I mentioned I'm starting to sound like a old cnut. :)
I played Deus Ex after I'd played MGS (which should've made my list, but not sure if it was in the last 5 years). So I'm trying to sneak past guards, who clearly are miles away, looking in the other direction, and they come over, and they kill me. Rubbish.
Bungers BBC would have been full retail price at Fenwicks. Probably. :)
Coloniz(grrr!)ation - funky 18th C style tunes. Well not exactly funky as funk didn't arrive until a couple of hundred years later but YKWIM.
Thrust was memorable as the best value game evar. Couldn't believe how good that was for a budget job.
LoM - huge fsckoff handmade map on graph paper!
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