I finally caught up with the rest of the world and read the Da Vinci code the other day expecting a rollicking good read with lots of historical accuracy. What I got was what I described to Bungers as an average potboiler which despite claims to historical accuracy was very inaccurate in a lot of places. The disturbing thing to me is that Brown's version seems to have become interweb gospel.
Well let
this be a lesson to all the believers. It's a fictional story not a history book.
Well, it must be true, seeing as you found it on one of your evangelical websites.
More of mmChronic's unbiased reporting to follow this afternoon when we examine the stories of "Darwin was a hoax" and "The World really is flat".
I'm gonna have you thrown to the lions.
You'd think that picking it up in the "Fiction" section of the library might suggest something...
(Bungers heads off to that Church in Scotland with a trowel..)
And just because a Jeebusian says something it's automatically wrong? I was complaining to you of the farked up 'history' before I found that page. That page supports what I was thinking so of course I'm going to link it.
I know it's in the fiction section. It's a shame many others don't.
And it's still got a shit cop out ending.
I'm off to pray for forgiveness.
Oh and you're too late. ;)
hehehe.. PARPitty parp parp parp!
The Da Vinci Code: Foucault's Pendulum for people who can't read.
Simon B,
And hi Simon, thanks for popping by... ;)
I was totally underwhelmed by it. I was expecting a cracking read due to the amount of adoration it was getting webwide. When it turned out to be just OK I was very disappointed. It is very Ludlumesque (books I enjoyed hugely as a teenager but I haven't read for ages) in that outrageously unbelievable coincidences are used to keep the story going.
I'm not arguing against Brown's twisting of facts to fit a story as every author using 'factual' backgrounds does that. What I dislike is the statement of some of those twists as fact and many people taking it as such.
And again the ending was just flat. At least if you're going to write a 'rip roaring adventure' give it a climax.
Using the Bible of absolute proof of something is madness - just like believing any bit of fiction as fact is madness. The number of reviews I've seen where they've raved about the masterful unravelling of the Grail mystery blah blah...
Yeah I would probably have enjoyed it more if I'd approached it as a 'cracking yarn'.
That's the last time I get suckered by interweb hyperbole. Probably. ;)
Nah - the dVC is the first 'book' I've read in ages. I've been too busy writing the equivalent of 1.5 shit novels according to Blogger.
One of their posts the other day reckoned that the average novel was 50K words and I'm up to 76K on here now.
Did you see Law of the playground has made it into print? Jammy fusker!
I'm off to talk to my literary agent.
Hello stranger.
Cheeky twunt! I never spell yeah as yeh! And that slaaaag Suzy let John finger her behind the bike sheds. Or something.
hehe.. that was very funny dogs! I suppose we can forgive your extended sessions of AWOLness if you can come up with some good comedy like that every six months... ;)
Gordon Fscking Bennett!!!
It lives.
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