In what must surely be the gaming best news since
this Rome: Total War (PC) gets it's UK release on Friday October 1st. Since I first saw the new engine on
Time Commanders it was a must buy for me. I've always been a fan of the Total War series but is the first time they've used true 3D graphics for the battles and it looks gorgeous. Did I mention it's also got Romans in?
It's getting very good reviews (
IGN 9.4,
Gamespot 9.1), the
demo is fantastic and I will officially be disappearing from New Links posting duties from Friday evening and I may be gone for some time! ;)
I concur. ;)
6 cd's of diskspace for an FPS? When we can play umpteen other games that only take a couple of hundred mb.
Oh and you're not fast enough for hosting apparently.
Well duh! Of course your connection speed.
And the idea of a public server was to allow more than 2 people. Don't forget being on cable you've only got an ickle speed upstream.
I'm still not installing UT2K4 for what will be a very occasional game. I'm still voting for Enemy Territory - everyone's machine is capable of running it, everyone has it (or can get it legally for free) and there are loads of public servers.
Fsck me! I'll have a pint of what Flip's drinking please! ;)
Flip really is pissed! w00+!
Because when you get arrested for animal pr0n there's no record of any conenction from us to you.
OK lets cut this one dead. I haven't got UT2K4. Fact. To do what you want I'm going to have to either buy a game I don't want or download 6 cds worth of FPS. It is not going to happen. Nobody exept you wants to play UT - or I've missed the 'me, me!' comments if they do.
Right - do you want to play Enemyy Territory or not?
Oh and for you to have 256 up one of the following HAS to be true:
A) you've switched to ADSL.
B) are planning on playing from work.
C) have upgraded your BY package.
D) you are talking out of your arse - for a change.
We have 128 up.
He has the 750 (BY's name for it) service - which was the 512 that got the free u/g to 768. Up speeds stayed the same so it's still at 128.
So if he reckoned he can host 2-6 UT2K4 players adequately he will now have to revise that to 1-3. Bit of a shite multiplay then.
I missed the comment where Dogs suggested he host and we play any game. I can only see the ones where Dogs says he will host UT2K4.
If you (or Merg) want to try hosting that's fine by me - so what are we playing?
We could always play mp freeciv. Even Bungers' machine should be able to keep up with that! ;)
You need a few players for ET as well by the look of it to get the best out of it. I don't know if I've played CoD.
My vote could well have changed to R:TW by Friday night though! :)
I think this one is probably best resolved offsite so we can arrange game, servers, time etc.
Nah, def not into MP strat games -- I know I'll get whipped from the start, soo... :)
In an FPS with reasonably lethal weapons (read: not the Quake or Tribes games) I can usually do okay.
Quake/Tribes type stuff is akin to the strat stuff... don't play enough to be remotely good, and the weapons aren't deadly enough that sneaking up on people works.
Yes, I DO shoot people in the back -- best way! ;)
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