SpaceShipOne is
about to launch at 2pm - I think! The BBC site says it is due to go at 1pm GMT. I'm crap at the whole clock going forward/backwards for BST so I'm unsure whether 1pm GMT is 12pm BST or 2pm BST. As no one is reporting it has took off yet I'll plump for 2pm.
New Scientist says it will actually be at 1447 BST - so in about an hour then.
Veh good! I didn't know that one. Of course it does mean speaking Merkinese for a short time. :)
I do like a good aide memoire (two of my favourites are Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. or Mites grow up, tights come down.) but can never remember most of them! ;)
I remember being taught the mites/tights thing at North View Junior School when i was a very young, it stuck to this day.
Yeah the mites/tights one is from Northview for me too. I've carried that around in my head for over a quarter of a century!
I knew the rainbow one but not the planet one. I can't even do the "30(1?) days hath September" one. The only months I know for definite how many days there are in are February (because of it's oddness) and December (as the 31st is New Year's Eve.)
I just look at the calendar in the desktray! ;)
The only chemistry teacher I can remember was a sadist rather than insane - but I think that's because he was a craft teacher as well and it's a rule that craft teachers must be twats.
Stalactites hang on tight, stalacmites *might* fall over.
My school days were much less "Benny Hill" than yours...
And obviously much less effective. ;)
Did it work then...? Did it go to space...?
That would have been v cool...
And yes it's gone...
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