Sunday, May 16, 2004

New Look, New Features

Almost finished with the redesign now as you can see. I've used one of Blogger's new templates (Rounders which is a bit easier on the eye than Rounders2 which I originally picked) and stuck our stuff in it.

So what's new? The item pages have a different sidebar to the main and archive pages. One of the new additions to the sidebar on the item page is a 'Previous Posts' section which has links to the 10 erm... previous posts. I've also added a search box which is just a Google site: search for those too lazy to use the search in the Blogger publishing interface. ;)

What's still to do? Complete the republishing for starters as Blogger has a habit of timing out when doing the whole site. Not surprising considering there are approaching 2000 pages now! I'll keep plugging away at that now and that should be sorted soon. The layout is buggered on some archive pages - this is due to some pictures being too big (max width in future is 390-400 pixels please) in the posts. I'll fix that by fixing the offending posts and republishing. I also need to do a logo as the banner at the top is a little plain. At least it's not burgundy.

1 comment:

bungers said...

Morning chaps! Nice redesign... very good! Some good posting over the weekend, i'm still OMG WTF'ing at Zelda. Yay!