Monday, May 24, 2004

Follow up : Are you an ugly A$$ fish..?

OMFG!Actually, you may be in for a solution. New Scientist reports that it's risky and some say it shouldn't be done, but that isn't stopping a team of US surgeons preparing to carry out the world's first face transplant. More news as and when I can find it. Insert gag about face being rejected, because you're so ugly.

I think this one has the legs to run and run... just remember, you heard about it first at New Links!

Note to mmC : I think we need the science icon promoted to the sidebar... I'm gonna run out of bandwidth soon!


mmChronic said...

And I of course have unlimited bandwidth from msn?

We need to set up an msn group just for icons I think?

Ah no - I've turned Australian?

Newcastle Photos said...

I said ages ago that we needed a Paypal button on here. :)

mmChronic said...

We will all be as rich as Croesus once our Commercial Manager engineers the 2nd dotcom boom. Probably.

bungers said...

Working on that right now... ;)