Wednesday, May 19, 2004

10, 9, 8,.. Byker, we have a problem.

A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play. It won't help you find lost space probes though. Shame.I can see Uranus. Snigger.The first civilian rocket to reach space was launched yesterday by the Civilian Space eXploration Team. I'm off to buy a rocket kit for the New Links Lunar Expedition.

via boingboing.


bungers said...

Forgot to post the stuff about the X-plane altitude record the otherday... sorry. It hit 65km above earth, and tipsters reckon it'll do the 100km within the next few weeks. I'll post it next time they have another attempt. :)

mmChronic said...

According to the article the rocket reached 100km. So much for tipsters! :)

bungers said...

Different rocket... the one in your link was unmanned.. the X-plane one is manned... and has to hit 100km to win the X-prize.

Dr. Bungers Gifton.
Head of Space Exploration Programmes

mmChronic said...

I see. Well our manned Lunar Expedition won't be ready for a few weeks as it'll take at least that long to collect as many matches so it looks like we miss out on the prize. Bah.