Monday, March 01, 2004

That's more like it

In the wake of BT's new broadband offer comes Telewest with their new offer. This one is £17.99 and is limited to 256Kbps - half of the now standard 512kbs offering but more importantly no download cap. So you get the speed (or at least some of it - approx 5 times dialup) but no blockage.

Interesting factoid in the article:

The 1GB cap is the equivalent of 20,000 web pages

New Links' February Archive is 561Kb of source - that is before any images load. So by my calculation assuming you turned images off you could download that page a mere 1,869 times before your limit runs out. That may sound a lot but that's approximately 62 large pages a day - and that's if you download no images, streaming videos, mp3s etc etc.

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