Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Extinction Alert!

ook!OMFG!Humanity's closest relative the chimpanzee could be extinct in 50 years because it is hunted for meat and threatened by deforestation and disease, researchers said on Tuesday.

Oh, and my new money making scheme is well under way. I'm going to clone some dodos, and start a dodo farm. I figure it's going to be easier than my Jurassic Park project, so I've put that on the backburner for a while. If any one can find me any recipes for dodo, any stories about why it hasn't been done yet etc, please whack the links in the comments. When the first lot hatch, I'll name one after you. :)


mmChronic said...

We need a monkey making scheme to save the chimperoo...

mmChronic said...

You'll probably want one of these for your dodo plan.

bungers said...

I'd been planning to us de-nucleated turkey eggs... I figure they'd provide more room. ;)