We're going to need some fairly hefty weaponry to make sure that the Kingdom of
bungers Northumbria stays peaceful, and we can quell any bariatric revolts. I've ordered a load of these
Hamilton Antipersonnel death rays as it's the "lightest of the rapid fire pulse cannons" and can turn you from a "tank commander into an actual tank". Order more stuff from the
main page.
Your claim to Northumbria is predated by ours. This can be deduced from the fact you are using the medieval heraldry for Northumbria. Ours is a claim on the saxon kingdom.
What do you propose to do about bariatric revolts from within?
Oops! sorry, that was me.
Oh, sorry... I knew you'd mentioned that before but I didn't think to type "saxon+old+kingdom+of+northumbria+flag+mmChronic+ anal+historical+accuracy+" into google.... ;)
We're gonna ship the fatties out, and replace them with beautiful women from the baltic states as a gesture of international friendliness to our new EU buddies. :)
We need a constitution. Or a manifesto. What shall we do about Sunnerlind and South Shields? I propose we tow them out into the North Sea. Either that or raze them to the ground, and make a big waterpark instead! Woo, and indeed, yay!
re the heraldry - I have a reputation for pedantry to the point of anality to uphold here!
Which is why I am now going to ask what other kind of revolt is there other than an internal one? :)
Says the filthiest person here by general consensus.
Unfortunately (for you) everyone else votes for you. We can do a poll if you wish for confirmation?
Yay for a poll!
What have the Poles ever done for us?
Maybe Dogs was right after this and your excitement at the mention of a pole.
well, you may have a point, but everyone will still vote for dogs cause it's funnier. ;)
They formed a highly effective squadron in the RAF during WWII and helped us win the Battle of Britain. Yay for Free Poland, Lech Walensa and Solidarnosc. And potato vodka. Probably.
I'm a big fan of Eastern European countries too, mainly because they are less fat, and more beautiful than the munters over here...
If we didn't have poles, what would lapdancers spin around eh?
Yay! for Poles, Polls, and actual Poles. And the North Pole.
Big up the Polish massive! Or something... ;)
And if it weren't for the Polish our shoes would be scruffy.
Ok then, apart from WWII, lap dancers, better looking women and clean shoes what else have the Poles ever done for us?
Yay for the Peoples Liberation Front of Judea.
Should that not be the Peoples Liberation Front of Northumbria?
or any other mix of those words :)
This one's not worth a post in itself but we are top of Google again. So who is the muckiest here?
I'm just reporting what referrers have brought people here.
That was some Portuguese person so we can take heart from the fact that the Portugese footy team will be knackered after mass debating over pictures of hermaphrodite dogs. Not that I'm generalising about a whole country from one perv's search. Probably.
I would like to see smutty posts expressed as a percentage of total posts for each of us. You would be the smuttiest without a doubt. :)
Go on, express the percentages.There's only 1000+ posts to search through.
2000 odd!
I said I wanted to see them - didn't say I wanted to do it! :)
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