Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Science for kids

Here comes the science bit...This site is a decent set of school level science pages with some interesting pieces and experiments to do. My daughter asked me this very question the other day. I already knew the answer to that one and I'll be showing her the page as I'm not sure she believed me!

Make sure you read it all - I'll be testing you later.

via Presurfer


mmChronic said...

No she said "When are you going to chin my cheeky fscking godfather for his verbal abuse" and I preach tolerance to her and tell her it's not big or clever to chin 'tards.

bungers said...

Has anyone ever made a device that makes people on the outside of your head hear what it sounds like on the inside of your head... that's what I want to know...

mmChronic said...

Yep. Just add a microphone to this.