Monday, June 14, 2004

Google Search: cyclopia

A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play. It won't help you find lost space probes though. Shame.BTW : They're still at it. Spirit and Opportunity are still bezzing round on Mars...

Here comes the science bit...New Links Investigates™: One way to understand human development is to look at the grotesque forms that arise when things go wrong. Since it is unethical to create mutants, we have to find them. I have found them. New Links presents cyclopia, a condition which gives results in "a single monstrous eye in the middle of the forehead"...

...actually a story in the print issue of New Scientist this week, but also a Channel 4 documentary on Thursday this week I think.


mmChronic said...

I saw the trailer for the C4 Mutants thing and they span the same line as you 'In the interests of science we'll show you weird stuff'. I'll be watching it with my central unieye! o) <- Cyclops smiley!

mmChronic said...

Yeah - they should show that Joy Of Sex. That was allowed to be explicit because it was educational.

mmChronic said...

And is bezzing (amin post) the verb for necking shiat loads of E and dancing like a loon?

mmChronic said...

*main post

Either that or we have become your local source for all things Idi.

mmChronic said...

I've been trying to get you all weekend. Bloody moves into a house with not webline, an anon phoneline and leaves his mobile turned off. Pah.

You've probably seen the Blink stuff now but make sure you put Dec 2, evening in your diary as taken.

bungers said...

"bezzing" is three feet forward, three feet backwards... repeat until BSOD!!

mmChronic said...

DOH - you did tell me that. Totally forgot!