Monday, June 07, 2004

Feast of Epona

From the top. Will the naked handmaidens please shake their......8008135. Excellent - that's a wrap.No, it's got nothing to do with Link's horse. Apparently this is one of the alternative names for the Summer Solstice which is due June 21st. The linked page has lots of details about the solstice such as what it is, how different cultures celebrated it and it's exact time and date.

Bungers is taking names now for the 'Supporting Cast of Naked Handmaidens' roles. He's organising some sort of pagan ceremony under Byker Bridge involving flaming rabbits, nudity, bonfires, nudity, dancing and nudity. Did I mention it might involve nudity?


bungers said...

Yay nudity!

Today, I'll mostly be working in the buff.

mmChronic said...

I'm going home - now!