Friday, February 13, 2004

Follow up: Music

That cover sounds like Marvin Gaye to start with (sounds like beginning of What's Going On), meanders via George Best (definite hiccup at 2:05) and climaxes in a Jacko crushed nads style. Of course the fact he announces that it is a cover of Thing Called Love by the Darkness in a file called lemar_love_nov03.ram means I may be able to deduce the answer - Lemar and a cover of Thing Called Love. ICMFP.

Continuing the quizzing - what was the cartoon in the 80s (maybe early 90's) with a racing team that did secret agent stuff? And I'll discount M.A.S.K. before you start. I don't actually know the answer to this - for some reason I thought of it this morning and can't remember what it was called.

ps Just to reinforce dogs' opinion of my crap taste in music - I quite like the Darkness.

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