Friday, February 06, 2004


l33t coder? It was you who started dropping programming bits into the posts! It wasn't my fault it was from a learner language like VBA :)

Anway apology accepted. I mean it's not as if you knew that at least 3 of the 4 bands I listed predate nu-punk as a label. Or that your hero, the erstwhile Johhny Rotten, said on CelebJungleCack last night something along the lines of "Anarchy means there are no rules" - which, along with your statement that punk is anarchy, makes any rule you used to declare Blink are not punk invalid.

So in that spirit here's a new babelization entry:

The permission of the rebuttal the person of the danger, so that it
takes the thing, is with the raised part, many of hemp of ttu of huth.


To err is human, to forgive divine.

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