Friday, February 13, 2004

BBC don't understand Red Book

The BBC had a piece on modern CDs not playing on all CD players especially car CD players. The Volvo PR head pointed out all their CD players were compliant with Red Book as agreed between all interested parties. The music industry guy lied and said standards for audio CD had moved on since Red Book specs were published. Oh really? Red Book has not changed - the music industry are just using all sorts of tricks to ensure the CD you just bought can't be played where you want to.

If anything fiddling with the CD like this can only encourage piracy. Your choice:

  1. Pay £12 or so for a CD you may or may not be able to play on all your CD players - just looking around this room I see 10 different devices capable of playing audio CDs. What gives the music company the right to dictate on which of these devices I play my copy of a CD?

  2. Download the album for free with the protection ripped off and the ability to be played anywhere.

Decisions, decisions. Personally I will NEVER buy a protected audio CD. I want the guarantee of knowing that it will work if I want to play it in my walkman or the car or in the DVD player or wherever.

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