Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Follow up: More stuffed frogs/toads (3rd pic)
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
World's longest trouser snake goes on show
Monday, December 29, 2003
WAP Site
If anyone got a polyphonic phone for christmas (or like me you bought one for someone else!) they may be interested in this - my 1st WAP site - w00t!
Basically I wanted somewhere I could host midi files so I could download to a WAP phone without using a cable - does that (and has a huge free ringtone and gfx library) for free.
DOH! - actual link is to a WAP emulator showing the page - to get there using your phone you need:
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Pseudo monkey link
Happy Christmas Eve, newlinkers! (Yes, both of you!)
And yes, the seller would actually appear to work for us... how ungrateful!
(But if he gets 15 quid for it, my nana won't be getting it for Christmas after all..... )
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
But back to Christmas...
With one eye on the new year...
Monday, December 22, 2003
Ahhhh, the joys of Christmas...
I also had a link for regular readers that was someone completing Super Mario 3 in 11 minutes, but the page is in Japanese and I can't translate the right link. If you're interested it's somewhere here
All this morning's links have been blogged from this month's Edge magazine, which is in the shops now kids! It makes a great Christmas gift, and is available from all good newsagents now...
Parent Action Kit
You'd think the fact that it had "Adults Only" all over it, and "Not for Kids" stickers might be there to provide a hint. God bless America!
And here's the link
More Rockstar Links...
What not to have for Christmas dinner
random recipe + our product = lush food
Judging by some of the pics they need to rework that formula.
Saturday, December 20, 2003
Album Cover Quiz
Spam non-existent by next Wednesday
Basically it's a PDF form which you must print, fill in (one of the questions being "which phone number do you use to connect to the net?"!), attach printed copies of offending email and post via snail mail back to them! WTF?
Obviously communicating at blinding speed like this will help to eradicate spam very, very soon.
Friday, December 19, 2003
Bunger's Review of the year Part 1
SFW if you work in Lord's Hire Centre or a bikini shop
NSFW if you work somewhere where they don't like Benny Benassi
Beware! New IE patch
released for the URL spoofing flaw in MSIE. However this in itself appears to be another hack!
What did you do today then dear?
Anyone watch Horizon last night?
Now tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good is a computer if you are already in one
First 'Running' Humanoid Robot
"Run away" ain't gonna work with this little bad ass!
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Return of the Bling
Free Christmas gifts
b3ta ninja challenge
Not quite, but I do like...
They wouldn't just kill you on the spot.
The Best Ninja's ever (TM) includes how you could improve films just by adding ninjas. IE Perfect Storm is about "Sword Fishermen" and then it's got badly ps'd ninja's on the boat with George. *Very* funny...
I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives
Fabulous Fighting Fantasy Fan Fiction
Stick Figure Deaths!
Live out your ninja fantasies
Ninjai: The Little Ninja
p.s. It's not the Best Ninja's Ever (TM), I still can't find that, but if you ain't seen this one you're missing out....
From the Good Book, to a very big book...
This has nothing to do with Ninja's! mm has posted before I threw down the gauntlet! pah! And I can't find the funniest ninja site ever (TM)...!
Ninja clashes in Congo's capital
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Blues for Jeebus
Geekiness abounds
programming environment is brilliant at creating 3d animations. Not only that it is an ideal introduction to the concepts of programming for the non programmer.
BTW I found this link via the one I posted the other day.
PS Handy Hint: When referring to an earlier post you can link to it using the permalink feature. The post time link (the 12:38 PM bit in the tab above) on each post contains a shortcut to itself. So you can use this to link to it from another post.
Precious things
YA sound effect warning. Bloody multimedia PC's in the office - they'll get you sacked they will.
And now a game for Christmas.
Again a slight NSFW warning - smallish hentai banners and loud in game sound effects.
Seasonal linkage service resumed.
NSFW if you have speakers on your PC otherwise it's just some swear words on screen.
Man naturally literate...
<runs and hides in small hole in the ground>
Apparently humans already have the Roman alphabet etched into their brains at birth - so why does it take so long for babies to learn to read? Lazy buggers.
More Booby Linkage
booby obsessed yet again. These are particularly suitable for snaring any red suited, beard wearing burglar types.
Christmas Boobies!!
SFW... btw, it's just my comedy genius manifesting itself again... after all, that's why you come to Newlinks!! Doh!
The real cost of Christmas.
Who says Americans don't do irony?
"I have a dream."
Insert coin to continue.
LOTR has dirty bits?
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Monkey based activity predicted to rise.
![]() |
January 22nd, 2004 marks the start of the year of the monkey. This could well lead to rise a in monkey related stories but who can tell ? What is certain is that the event is to be celebrated by the issue of new stamps in Hong Kong. |
Run away!
Can we have some more stories about monkeys hiding chickens in trees and riding around on the backs of pigs for Christmas please dad...??
Especially for mm Chronic!!
It rocks!
Well, it used to... ;)
Seek, and ye shall find!
Combine this with The Killer List of Videogames and impress your friends with your limitless knowledge of 80's Spectrum games...
FYI The first computer game I played was "Wumpus" on the Acorn Atom, I think. Ah, I love the fresh smell of wumpus in the morning...
p.s. I'm still looking for that knights wandering about chopping legs off title for the Amiga/PC....
Monday, December 15, 2003
Never mind the latin
More word play stuff...
Here are some mildy amusing latin names for stuff.
That sound like d1ck5 and f4nn13s.
Tee hee!
New Wacko Doll
Follow up : The IMB strongly recommends ship owners to install this device on board their ships
Or a pack of highly trained sharks, with frikkin' lasers on their heads.
Did you know a bunch of crows is called a murder...??
The future is orange..
Oh, and hello to the Merg-o-tron! Nice linkage!
Saturday, December 13, 2003
3D Modelling for Dummies
- Use this Java program to draw cartoon style figures and have them turned into full 3D models.
- ?????
- Become the next Nick Park and profit.
Friday, December 12, 2003
Japanese SAQ
Earliest Blog discovered.
Someone left the kitchen door open!
NB Do not under any circumstances use the admin pages to change the site yourself. Unless you want to become someone's cell biatch as you will almost definitely be breaking UK law!
EDIT In the couple of minutes it took me to post this the site has now become NSFW!
Another great Christmas idea
Welcome to Mr. Merg McMerg...
Of course if he (the subject of the story not Merg!) lived in Bangkok (where else?) he could have got it fixed by the finest surgeons in that particular
field of medicine. Alternatively being a welder surely some DIY might help.
Soon all DVD players may be multi region (sort of)
When are we due snow?
Girly feminist type to buy for?
p.s. Nice use of Fark in the phishing story. Can we have some boobies as pic of the day...? I'll mail you the piccy!
Be careful what you click on!
A) Spend years building up your organisation's journalistic credentials OR
B) Spoof the URL and turn this site into the BBC, Reuters or indeed anything. Hint: after clicking on one of
these links look in your address bar. Works in IE only.
For an explanation of this see here.
PSA: Daily image sites required
f'rinstance 10th december links for
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Those lying Americans
Dear Blog,
Matrix Revisited
NB I think it's in WMP9 format - I only get sound and no vision on my WMP 8 installation.
Robots in disguise!
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Follow Up : Pulse Jet Engine
Road test for Dave's new car...
And in the interests of balance...
![]() |'s one for those who hate excess fat - this page shows you how to get rid of it without any of that pesky exercise stuff. |
More fatties
Still looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the family's fat fetishist? Then look no further. BBW Figurines - The Perfect Gift for Big Beautiful Women and their Admirers as it says on the tin. |
Hot tree action
A sad day for loony scientist types...
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Dredging the big fat booty of the barrel..
Friday, December 05, 2003
Sweet Doggy Dogg
Thursday, December 04, 2003
More Christmas Ideas from me...
It's proper Bo, I tell thee!
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
No title... AYCCYFP
stoopid... html... rubbish...
I believe the first time I built a website combining templates and pulling info from a back end database was back in about 1995-6. First one I did with php and mySQL in particular was about 2-3 years ago. Granted not a blog but it would be very, very easy to do so. The words granny, suck, teaches, eggs and don't are swirling around my mind right now for some reason :)
If you're bored...
Megapixel pics are just so grainy.
Saga - you cheeky tw@t :)
WARNING: NSFLNMW (Not Safe For Life Never Mind Work)
It's playtime...
I'm just playing with the template seeing what can be done. I really wanted to change the horrible orange look but just started fiddling as you do. It will probably go - but expect more strange behavour (from the page not me!) over the next week or so.
That code breaks spectacularly on the 'Update' post too :)
Hmmm.... figures out way to insert random pr0n images for maximum squirm factor :)
w00t! (Or indeed - WTF??)
Here's a link for you
Here's (rubber) Johnny!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Asylum Seeker FPS
Ben's Dad
Don't F*ck with Uncle Chuck
Another Milor
Anyway seeing the name made me remember this one - a god fearing, alien believing, paranormal book writing, military serving Milor. I can't think of a scarier combo - and he's bound to be a relative. I can only hope he doesn't bother with the family tree thing or we may end up with him on the doorstep one day.
EDIT: Now with added link goodness - D'OH!