Mike's Classic Cartoon Themes & Images. (via)
Don't know if you guys have seen this...ROM-World.com. Rom Downloads - MAME roms Gba roms Snes roms Nintendo roms Sega Genesis roms. (via)
Aarons Jokes. 1,230 Adult jokes here. NSFW, obviously.

The Commodore 64 DTV - Re-introducing An Old Friend.
The Shiftkey FAQ.
Edit: Almost forgot to mention. My Blog, Look At This..., should hit the magic 100,000 visitors some time today if it's you (look in the stuff section at the top of the sidebar to see) you will win a lovely prize from my now legendary prize cupboard. You will have to take a screenshot though. If you cant manage that ask your son or dad or something or as mmChronic always says "just fsckin Google it". I will accept a screenshot nearest to 100,000 in case that special visitor does'nt realise that they could have won the best prize ever. Editors decision is final. Or something.
Yay - we is a group blog again!
Or maybe that should be a family blog. ;)
It certainly looks that way.
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