If you look at the picture on the
linked page you will apparently see one of two things - one of the things means you have a dirty mind, the other that you are more innocent than a child.
I of course am a paragon of innocence and saw nothing untoward. Probably.
via DoctorVee
I obviously have a dirty mind so what is the other thing you can see?
It tells you below the picture - but the Ugly Ass Fish icon is a clue.
Of course we'll probably get wrong on BoingBoing for calling this creature a fish! ;)
:) Just had another look and I still can't see the dolphins. ;)
hehe! NINE dolphins..? NINE dolphins...? WTF! I can only see two! Argghhh!
Arrgghh, my filthy mind!
I can see all nine - but I have to admit it was rhe nekkid couple I saw first!
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