Interesting little collection of
maps of Britain from the Roman era throught to medieval times. The main reason I've linked it though is because there is a map of
Northumbria in the 8th Century which shows the extent of this soon to be reborn kingdom.
That should stop all this
Northumberland / Northumbria confusion. ;)
via Incoming Signals
SPB will be the seat of the new Goverment of Northumberland... ;)
We can't put the Govt there - it's right next door to our WMD manufacturing plant (the one cunningly disguisd as a waste reclamation plant) and it would be too risky to have senior members of the government anywhere near it.
I really hope it's Huth too. Then we can let God have his revenge for the stamping on his bollocks.
It means we'd have to find another defender but it'd be worth it. :)
Seriously though Huth isn't too bad at all, Gabbidon isn't bad either. The Chronicle was on about Gallas too.
I reckon whatever happens we'll get one replacement to ensure Fred and Doug get enough bonuses from the profit.
King would be the one for me. I don't rate Huth enough, not much better than we already have.
Class! That'll have them frothing at the mouth. They owe use a star or two anyway as they've pinched a few of ours over the years.
You should give one of the tabloids a bell. Making up stories like that you'll be Sports Editor in no time. ;)
I believe they owe us a star or two overlooks the fact that we sold them Kevin Scott, Ruel Fox(Double the money we paid for him) and regained our £6M for a fscked Sir Les(God bless his soul). To think they even paid us for kevin Scott is some kind of miracle.
I know we lost Gazza and Waddle to them but we would have lost them to someone else if not Spurs but who else would have took the first 3 i mentioned. :)
BykerSink : Can we have a link for Spurs or do i have to look for it?
thespursweb.com - Messageboard
That fscked Sir Les just keeps on going though. :)
But yeah they've paid good money for crocks off us.
And a link would be nice so we can watch the Cockernees splutter. :)
Good hunting sir!
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