![Who reads this crappy stuff anyway? Who reads this crappy stuff anyway?](//photos1.blogger.com/img/117/945/1024/blog.jpg)
ILN has
meme tagged me for one of those fill in the list things. Thankfully there are only 4 items per section so it's reversing the trend for these to get bigger and bigger.
Four Jobs I've had:
Pizza chef
Painter and decorator
Computer programmer
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
LOTR (1,2 and/or 3)
Godfather (1,2 and definitely not 3)
Memento (it's probably a good thing to watch at least a couple of times anyway)
Four Places I have Lived:
Four TV Shows I Would Love to Watch:
Now this is an oddly phrased one - does it mean stuff I've seen and would love to see again (and if so would that bar stuff that I AM watching again on cable) or is it stuff I've never seen and would love to see? I'll go with the former (without barring stuff I am already rewatching) as there's nothing I haven't seen that I'd love to see.
Some Mother's Do 'Ave 'Em - being repeated lots on cable - woo!
Walking With... (Cavemen, Dinosaurs, Beasts) - complete series available free as part of my Cable On Demand package - double woo!
Fawlty Towers
Connections - a cool history/science series in the 70s by James Burke. Never seen this one since I first saw it when I was about 10/11 and would love to see it again.
Look ma - no ITV! ;)
Four Places I have been on Vacation:
Four Websites You Visit Daily:
Four of My Favorite Foods:
Steak and chips and all the trimings
Things with chili in
Chicken Jerk sandwiches from the sandwich shop near my last job.
Four Places I would Rather Be:
Than work? Or where I live? If the former bed is always a good place to be rather than work and if the latter nowhere.
Four Albums I Cannot Live Without:
2 self titled albums:
The Stone Roses
Box Car Racer
And 2 compilations to get a good sampling of the artists as I couldn't limit myself to a single album by them:
Shenanigans / Green Day
Who's Better, Who's Best / The Who (though I wouldn't mind getting hold of Ultimate Collection too)
Four People to Tag:
I'll choose 3 New Links posters (we have to get postage somehow or other!) and 1 off site blogger:
Taoski (though he might be too busy playing on
his new 360!)